Go Set a Watchman


Harper Lee

Go Set a Watchman Characters

Jean Louise Finch

The novel’s main protagonist, an intelligent, stubborn, twenty-six-year-old woman from Maycomb, Alabama. Jean Louise, along with her brother Jem, was raised by her father Atticus and their black housekeeper Calpurnia. Growing up, Jean… read analysis of Jean Louise Finch

Atticus Finch

The single father of Jean Louise and Jem, a respected small-town lawyer and member of the state legislature. At the time of the novel he is seventy-two and has bad rheumatoid arthritis in his… read analysis of Atticus Finch

Henry Clinton (Hank)

Jean Louise’s oldest friend and boyfriend, a young man who moved in next to the Finches when Jean Louise was growing up. Hank is a from a poor family and raised by a single… read analysis of Henry Clinton (Hank)
Minor Characters
Alexandra Finch (Aunt Alexandra)
Atticus’s sister, a classic “Southern lady” who is proud of her heritage as a Finch and always well-mannered, haughty, and disapproving. She and Jean Louise clash on almost every subject, but Jean Louise is grateful to Alexandra for coming to take care of Atticus.
Dr. John Hale Finch (Uncle Jack)
Atticus’s brother, a former bone doctor who is now a retired eccentric obsessed with Victorian literature. Jack speaks in a convoluted and confusing way, but is very intelligent and gets along well with Jean Louise.
Jeremy Atticus Finch (Jem)
Jean Louise’s older brother, who dies suddenly of a heart defect years before Go Set a Watchman takes place.
The black cook and housekeeper for the Finches, who helped raise Jem and Jean Louise and was an important part of their childhood.
Charles Baker Harris (Dill)
Jean Louise’s best friend growing up, a wild and imaginative boy who now lives in Europe.
Joshua Singleton St. Clair
A prominent member of Jean Louise’s family who went crazy and shot at a university president.
Uncle Jimmy
Aunt Alexandra’s husband, who has lived alone by a river for thirty-three years.
Aunt Alexandra’s son, who now sells insurance in Birmingham.
A tavern owner who influenced the placement of the town of Maycomb.
Colonel Mason Maycomb
A military leader famous for his mistakes, after whom Maycomb County is named.
A black waiter who serves Hank and Jean Louise.
Reverend Moorehead
A humorless preacher whom Jem, Jean Louise, and Dill imitated as children.
Aunt Rachel
Dill’s aunt and the Finches’ neighbor when Jean Louise was growing up.
Herbert Jemson
The music director at the Maycomb Methodist church.
Mr. Stone
The young, dull minister at the Maycomb Methodist church.
William Willoughby
A corrupt politician who essentially runs Maycomb County without holding public office.
Grady O’Hanlon
The vicious and racist speaker at the Maycomb Citizens’ Council meeting.
Mrs. Dubose
An old lady who was Jean Louise’s neighbor growing up.
Mr. Cunningham
A member of a poor family from Old Sarum, who opened the ice cream shop where the Finches’ old house used to stand.
Albert Coningham
A boy who kisses Jean Louise when she is in sixth grade. At the time, she thinks the kiss will make her pregnant.
Calpurnia’s son, who has been married and divorced several times.
Zeebo’s son who gets in a drunk driving accident and kills a white man.
Mr. Healy
An old, alcoholic white man who is killed by Frank.
Mr. Fred
The friendly owner of the Maycomb grocery store.
Sarah Finley
A young woman who once considered Jean Louise “too rough” to play with, but now attends her “Coffee.”
Hester Sinclair
A woman at Jean Louise’s coffee. She repeats all the racist rumors she has heard from her husband.
Claudine McDowell
A woman at Jean Louise’s coffee who discusses her brief and typical visit to New York.
Mr. Tuffett
The principal at Jean Louise’s school when she was growing up, a patriotic and humorless man.