

Percival Everett

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James (Jim)

James is an enslaved Black man in his late 20s. Although his enslavers named him “Jim,” he eventually renames himself “James.” He is Sadie’s husband and Lizzie’s father. Miss Watson is Jim’s enslaver… read analysis of James (Jim)


Huckleberry Finn is a young boy who lives in the care of Miss Watson. He is the close friend of Tom Sawyer. While Huck was raised believing Pap Finn and Huck’s mother are… read analysis of Huck


Norman is a Black man whose complexion is light enough for him to pass as a white person. While he escaped his enslaver, his wife was left behind. Norman works for Daniel Decatur Emmett’s… read analysis of Norman

Daniel Decatur Emmett

Daniel Decatur Emmett is a historical figure, a musician and composer who founded the first blackface minstrel troupe, the Virginia Minstrels. His songs are written in what Emmett perceives as Black dialect, making use of… read analysis of Daniel Decatur Emmett


Voltaire is a French writer and philosopher who lived during the 18th century’s Age of Enlightenment. Jim hallucinates Voltaire in a fever dream after he is bitten by a rattlesnake. He takes issue with Voltaire’s… read analysis of Voltaire
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John Locke

John Locke is an influential English philosopher and writer who lived during the 18th century’s Age of Enlightenment. Jim dreams about and hallucinates Locke during his journey, and he confronts the hypocrisy of his writings… read analysis of John Locke

The Duke

The Duke is a young conman who claims he is the rightful Duke of Bridgewater. He joins Huck, Jim, and the King on their journey after he is run out of town for… read analysis of The Duke

The King

The King is an elderly conman who claims he is Dauphin, the son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, and the rightful king of France. He joins Huck, Jim, and the Duke after… read analysis of The King


Lizzie is the daughter of Jim and Sadie. Like her parents, she is enslaved by Miss Watson. She and the other enslaved children learn how to speak “slave talk” from Jim, to pacify… read analysis of Lizzie

Young George

Young George is an enslaved Black man who Jim meets after he is separated from Huck. He works alongside Josiah, Old George, and Pierre. At Jim’s request, Young George steals a… read analysis of Young George


Sammy is a young enslaved Black woman who works at Henderson’s mill, though Jim mistakes her for a man at first. Henderson has sexually abused Sammy, and she decides to take her chances with… read analysis of Sammy

Judge Thatcher

Judge Thatcher is the local judge in Hannibal, Missouri. He and Miss Watson look after Huck’s welfare in Pap’s absence. Jim teaches himself to read using the books in Judge Thatcher’s library. Jim’s… read analysis of Judge Thatcher


Easter is an enslaved blacksmith. Huck and Jim meet him when they're under the control of the King and the Duke, who convince Easter to shackle Jim while they leave for the night. Sympathetic… read analysis of Easter
Minor Characters
Sadie is Jim’s wife and Lizzie’s mother. Miss Watson is her enslaver. It is Sadie who hears Miss Watson’s plan to sell Jim, prompting his escape. Reuniting with her and Lizzie is Jim’s primary motivation.
Josiah is an enslaved Black man whom Jim meets on his journey. He works alongside Old George, Young George, and Pierre. Josiah has escaped from his enslaver many times but has always been caught and beaten.
Pap Finn
Pap Finn is Huck’s alleged father, who was married to Huck’s mother before she died. He is an alcoholic whose abuse drives Huck to fake his own death. Pap has a particular hatred for Jim, perhaps because he knows Jim is Huck’s biological father.
Miss Watson
Miss Watson is the enslaver of Jim, Sadie, Lizzie, and many others. She looks after Huck while Pap is absent. Her plan to sell Jim pushes him to run away.
Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer is a young white boy who is friends with Huck. He likes to play pranks, particularly on Jim. His wild tales and bossy attitude sometimes get on Huck’s nerves.
Huck’s Mom
Huck’s mom is Huckleberry Finn’s mother. Though she was married to Pap, she was close friends with Jim, who is Huck’s biological father.
Luke is an enslaved Black man who works at Henderson’s mill. When Jim meets him, he is struck by Luke’s submissive demeanor. Convinced that Luke enjoys his own enslavement, Jim does not trust him.
Henderson is a white millowner and enslaver who purchases Jim from Norman. He has enslaved many others, including Luke and Sammy. Henderson is a violent man who likes to beat his slave for no reason at all, and he sexually abuses Sammy.
Brock is an enslaved Black man who works in a riverboat’s boiler room and never leaves. Jim finds Brock’s enthusiastic submission to his enslavement unsettling.
Cunégonde is a character in Voltaire’s 1759 novel Candide. Jim dreams of her as he ponders how to reunite his family, and she tells him that hope is a ruse. Cunégonde claims that, while Jim may escape slavery, he will never be free.
Old George
Old George is an enslaved Black man who works alongside Josiah, Young George, and Pierre. Jim meets him after he is separated from Huck.
Pierre is an enslaved Black man who works alongside Old George, Young George, and Josiah. He is initially suspicious of Jim, worried he will bring trouble into their midst.
Katie is an enslaved Black woman who is married to Cotton. She lives on Miss Watson’s property in the house Jim’s family vacated. Hopkins, the overseer, routinely sexually assaults her.
Hopkins is an overseer employed by Miss Watson. He sexually assaults Katie while Jim is hidden in her cabin. After murdering Hopkins, Jim wonders what else his anger is capable of.
Cotton is an enslaved Black man who is married to Katie. He lives on Miss Watson’s property in the house Jim’s family vacated.
Old Luke
Old Luke is an enslaved Black man who works for Miss Watson alongside Jim.
Doris is an enslaved Black man who works for Miss Watson alongside Jim.
Albert is an enslaved Black man who works for Miss Watson alongside Jim.
Norman’s Wife
Norman’s wife is an enslaved Black woman who is married to Norman. Norman works in the hopes of purchasing his wife’s freedom.
Polly is a white woman who speaks to Jim after his first performance with Daniel Decatur Emmett’s Virginia Minstrels. Polly’s father finds the authenticity of Jim’s makeup suspicious.
Polly’s Father
Polly’s father is a white man who accompanies his daughter to the Virginia Minstrels’ performance. He suspects that Jim is actually Black underneath his makeup, driving Emmett and the rest of the troupe out of town.
Cassidy is a white man who plays trombone in Emmett’s troupe.
Big Mike
Big Mike is a white man who performs with Emmett’s troupe.
Mr. Wiley
Mr. Wiley is Easter's enslaver. When the King and the Duke injure Easter, Mr. Wiley furiously says Jim must work for him until Easter recovers. The King and the Duke acquiesce and leave with Huck, thus separating him from Jim.