Journey to the Center of the Earth


Jules Verne

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Journey to the Center of the Earth: Chapter 22  Summary & Analysis

The men pass ancient rocks that prove they are moving deeper into the earth. Axel marvels at the rocks’ beauty, which “covetous humanity” can never recreate. In the evening, though, they leave behind the impressive rocks for a “prison of granite.” Axel grows weak with dehydration, but he forces himself to walk on for the sake of Lidenbrock. Finally, Axel collapses.
The subterranean tunnels are as diverse as the environment above the surface, containing both beauty and barrenness. Axel’s description of “covetous humanity” positions humanity as inferior to and jealous of nature. His statement that humanity could never create an equal to the beautiful rocks suggests that humanity’s impressive creations are attempts to recreate or surpass the beauty that already exists in the natural world.
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Literary Devices
Axel wakes up to find Lidenbrock and Hans asleep beside him. He feels crushed under the weight of the earth above him, and the silence is like that of a tomb. He lays awake for hours, and eventually he sees Hans leaving the campsite with a lantern. He tries to call out to warn Lidenbrock that Hans is abandoning them, but Axel lacks the strength to speak. After a moment, he tells himself that Hans has given him no reason to suspect betrayal.
Axel’s decision to trust Hans cements the bond the men have formed. Hans has already proven that he trusts Lidenbrock, when he refused to leave with Axel; now Axel commits to trusting their guide. He justifies this decision with the lack of evidence that supports Hans’s betrayal. As Axel lies awake, he grapples with the reality of being so far underground. The narrative pays attention to the psychological effects that might come from such a journey just as it details the logistics of rations and luggage. This adds realism to the fantastical story and emphasizes how difficult the adventure is.
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