Julius Caesar


William Shakespeare

Cicero Character Analysis

Read our modern English translation.
Cicero is an acclaimed Roman statesman and orator who makes a speech in Greek during the festivities in Act 1, baffling Casca and other hearers. Though Cassius wants to include him in the conspiracy, given the persuasive potential of his age and eloquence, Brutus rejects this idea on the grounds that Cicero isn’t a follower. He is executed under Antony.
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Cicero Character Timeline in Julius Caesar

The timeline below shows where the character Cicero appears in Julius Caesar. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 1, scene 2
The Lupercalia race has ended. Brutus points out to Cassius that Caesar, Calpurnia, and Cicero look angry and distraught. Meanwhile, Caesar tells Antony that he wishes he were surrounded by... (full context)
...recovered from his swoon, he said that his words should be attributed to his illness. Cicero also made a speech in Greek, which Casca was unable to understand, and Murellus and... (full context)
Act 1, scene 3
There’s thunder and lightning as Casca and Cicero enter. Casca is disturbed by the earth’s shaking and the fire dropping from the heavens.... (full context)
Cicero exits, and Cassius comes to see Casca. Cassius says that he has been walking fearlessly... (full context)
Act 2, scene 1
Cassius suggests that Cicero be included in the plot, and the others agree, Metellus pointing out that Cicero’s age... (full context)
Act 4, scene 3
...Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus are reported to have executed a large number of senators, including Cicero. Messala also reports Portia’s death, and Brutus stoically accepts the news, not revealing that he... (full context)