Octavius is Caesar's nephew and adopted heir. He is young and inexperienced when he returns to Rome as an ally of Antony after Caesar's death—he protests Antony's plan to betray Lepidus, and he is initially outmaneuvered by Brutus at Philippi. After the events of the play, however, Octavius eventually overcomes both Lepidus and Antony (as Shakespeare dramatized in his play Antony and Cleopatra) and rules successfully as Augustus Caesar.
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Octavius Caesar Character Timeline in Julius Caesar
The timeline below shows where the character Octavius Caesar appears in Julius Caesar. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 3, scene 1
...will break out across Italy, urged on by Caesar’s vengeful spirit. Then a servant of Octavius Caesar enters, telling Antony that Octavius is on his way to Rome. Antony tells the...
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Act 3, scene 2
...afoot; / Take thou what course thou wilt.” Meanwhile, the servant returns and reports that Octavius is now in Rome, and that Brutus and Cassius have fled the city. Antony attributes...
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Act 4, scene 1
Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus enter. They are discussing which members of the conspiracy ought to be executed....
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Act 4, scene 3
...grief—Portia is dead. She killed herself by swallowing coals when she feared that Antony and Octavius would defeat Brutus. Cassius is horrified; Brutus doesn’t want to discuss it further. They drink...
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Titinius and Messala enter, and the men compare notes regarding the advance of Octavius and Mark Antony. Messala reports that Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus are reported to have executed...
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Act 5, scene 1
Octavius, Antony, and their army are waiting on the battlefield. Antony thinks that Brutus and Cassius...
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Brutus’s and Cassius’s army meets Antony’s and Octavius’s army on the battlefield, and they exchange taunts. Brutus and Cassius mock Antony as an...
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Act 5, scene 2
...the midst of the battle, Brutus sends Messala in haste with orders for Cassius’s forces. Octavius’s forces appear to be vulnerable, so now is the time to pour all of Cassius’s...
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Act 5, scene 3
Titinius and Messala enter. Messala tells Titinius that Octavius has been overthrown by Brutus, just as Cassius has been overthrown by Antony. Then they...
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Act 5, scene 5
Octavius enters with Antony, Messala, Lucilius (both captives), and other soldiers. They see Strato with Brutus’s...
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Florman, Ben. "Julius Caesar Characters: Octavius Caesar." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 22 Jul 2013. Web. 13 Mar 2025.