Minor Characters
Kafka’s Mother
When Kafka was young, his mother left the family, taking Kafka’s older sister with her. Kafka can no longer remember what she looks like, and is tormented by the thought that every woman he meets could be her.
Oshima’s Brother
Oshima’s older brother built the remote cabin where Oshima went to meditate as a teenager. He runs a surf shop.
Lieutenant Robert O’Connor
Lieutenant O’Connor is sent by the United States government to conduct interviews as part of an investigation into the mysterious accident that left Nakata unconscious. He asks straightforward questions to Setsuko Okamochi and Doctor Nakazawa.
Major Toyama
An army doctor who examined the children in Setsuko’s class after the “Rice Bowl Hill Incident.” He died during World War II.
Otsuka is a black cat whom Nakata meets (and names) in Tokyo while he is searching for Goma. Otsuka notices that Nakata’s shadow seems to be fainter than most.
Kawamura is one of several cats Nakata encounters as he searches for Goma. However, unlike the other cats he meets, Nakata can barely understand Kawamura when he speaks. Kawamura is eventually killed by Johnnie Walker.
Mimi is a Siamese cat. She helps translate between Kawamura and Nakata during the search for Goma.
Goma is a missing tortoiseshell cat. Nakata is hired by Goma’s owners to find her.
Okawa is a wary black and white tabby. He warns Nakata that searching for Goma will put him in danger.
Colonel Sanders
Colonel Sanders is a strange if friendly man who resembles and dresses like the mascot for Kentucky Fried Chicken. He aids Nakata and Hoshino by providing them a place to stay in Takamatsu and helping them to find the entrance stone.
Ms. Soga
Ms. Soga is a member of a women’s organization that is investigating museums and other public places “from a woman’s point of view.” Along with her unnamed colleague, Ms. Soga inspects the Komura Memorial Library.
A truck driver who takes Nakata from Tokyo to a rest stop on the highway to Takamatsu.
A truck driver who takes Nakata to Fujigawa.
Dr. Shigenori Tsukayama
A doctor who was ordered by the military to assess the children involved in the Rice Bowl Hill Incident.