Love in the Time of Cholera


Gabriel García Márquez

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Love in the Time of Cholera Characters

Florentino Ariza

After falling in love with Fermina Daza as a young man, Florentino Ariza proves to be a deeply romantic person who devotes his entire life to winning back the woman of his dreams. Despite being… read analysis of Florentino Ariza

Fermina Daza

A young woman from a newly rich entrepreneurial family, led by her tyrannical father Lorenzo Daza. Fermina Daza impresses everyone—including members of the aristocracy—with her elegance and talent. Authoritative and stubborn, Fermina has an… read analysis of Fermina Daza

Dr. Juvenal Urbino de la Calle

After studying medicine in Paris, Dr. Juvenal Urbino, a charming young man from an aristocratic family, returns to his native city where he is considered an ideal potential husband. Although Dr. Urbino is fascinated by… read analysis of Dr. Juvenal Urbino de la Calle

Hildebranda Sánchez

Fermina Daza’s cousin from Valledupar. She is a strong, enthusiastic woman who is desperately in love with a married man. Hildebranda and Fermina develop a long-lasting friendship that is enduring and fulfilling enough to… read analysis of Hildebranda Sánchez

Leona Cassiani

Florentino Ariza meets Leona Cassiani in a trolley and immediately identifies her as a “whore.” However, Leona only wants Florentino to find her a job. Once he finds her a position in the River Company… read analysis of Leona Cassiani
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Jeremiah de Saint-Amour

Jeremiah de Saint-Amour is an Antillean refugee who becomes Dr. Juvenal Urbino’s chess partner and enduring friend. Although Jeremiah is known as a photographer of children and a saintly figure, not much is actually… read analysis of Jeremiah de Saint-Amour

Tránsito Ariza

Florentino Ariza’s mother is a hard-working, compassionate person who cares deeply for her illegitimate son’s well-being. She proves dedicated to supporting her son’s romantic endeavors and plays an important role in comforting him when… read analysis of Tránsito Ariza

Lorenzo Daza

Fermina Daza’s father is a tyrannical figure. After the death of his wife and the success of his business, he leaves Spain to live a comfortable life in the new continent. His economic status… read analysis of Lorenzo Daza

América Vicuña

América is fourteen when she first meets her legal guardian, Florentino Ariza, in the city. Florentino initiates a sexual relationship with her, which highlights his underlying immorality despite his romantic persona. Although Florentino considers… read analysis of América Vicuña

Uncle Leo XII

Florentino Ariza’s uncle; his father Don Pius V Loayza’s brother. Uncle Leo XII is one of the founders of the River Company of the Caribbean and is President of the firm when Florentino… read analysis of Uncle Leo XII

Dr. Marco Aurelio Urbino Daza

Fermina Daza and Dr. Juvenal Urbino’s son, who has not inherited his parents’ charisma and talent, is shy and seemingly unhappy. Instead of using modern medical ideas for the common good, like his father… read analysis of Dr. Marco Aurelio Urbino Daza

Escolástica Daza

Fermina Daza’s aunt serves as a mother figure in Fermina’s life. She raises the young girl as a child. A quiet, reserved woman who has taken religious vows, Escolástica nevertheless proves supportive of Fermina’s… read analysis of Escolástica Daza

Widow Nazaret

Widow Nazaret is the first woman with whom Florentino Ariza has a consensual sexual relationship. After the war destroys her house, Widow Nazaret takes refuge at Florentino and Tránsito Ariza’s home. Although she frequently… read analysis of Widow Nazaret

Miss Barbara Lynch

Dr. Juvenal Urbino’s lover is a biracial American woman, a Doctor in Theology, whose father and former husband were Protestant reverends. After seeing Miss Barbara Lynch in the hospital, Dr. Urbino falls madly in… read analysis of Miss Barbara Lynch


When Florentino temporarily leaves the city by boat to escape from the heartache of Fermina Daza’s rejection, he loses his virginity to a mysterious woman who takes him into her cabin. The woman essentially… read analysis of Rosalba

Ausencia Santander

Florentino meets Ausencia Santander through Captain Rosendo de la Rosa. Ausencia, who is almost fifty years old and is separated from her husband, subverts all of Florentino’s theories about love. She inspires both frustration… read analysis of Ausencia Santander

Sara Noriega

Florentino meets Sara Noriega at the annual Poetic Festival, where she feels sorry for him because she understands that the poem he submitted was not chosen. After her fiancé abandoned Sara when she was young… read analysis of Sara Noriega

Olimpia Zuleta

After exchanging secret messages through pigeons for months, Florentino and Olimpia Zuleta launch an adulterous affair. However, after Florentino paints a message on her skin that she forgets to erase, her husband kills her by… read analysis of Olimpia Zuleta

Diego Samaritano (The Ship Captain)

The captain of the New Fidelity, the ship where Fermina Daza and Florentino Ariza take a romantic trip together at the end of the novel. He is an honest, kind man devoted to his… read analysis of Diego Samaritano (The Ship Captain)

Doña Blanca

Dr. Juvenal Urbino’s mother is a bitter, aristocratic lady who criticizes many of Fermina Daza’s actions, thus making the home a deeply unpleasant environment. She also forces Fermina to eat eggplant even though… read analysis of Doña Blanca

Lucrecia del Real del Obispo

Fermina Daza’s friend visits her regularly after Dr. Juvenal Urbino’s death. Although Lucrecia is a faithful friend, Fermina doubts her honesty after reading an article alleging that Lucrecia had an adulterous affair with… read analysis of Lucrecia del Real del Obispo

Prudencia Pitre

A woman known as “The Widow of Two” because she has outlived her two husbands, Prudencia is one of Florentino’s lovers. Florentino goes to her house in a state of mental agitation after declaring… read analysis of Prudencia Pitre

Sister Franca de la Luz

The Superior of the Academy of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, the school where Fermina Daza studies as a teenager, embodies the religious hypocrisy that disgusts Fermina. After seeing Fermina write a love letterread analysis of Sister Franca de la Luz

Jeremiah de Saint Amour’s Lover

Jeremiah de Saint-Amour had a secret lover who lived in the old slave quarter. This woman, who is biracial (referred to as a “mulatta” in the novel), is deeply devoted to Jeremiah and abides by… read analysis of Jeremiah de Saint Amour’s Lover

Gala Placidia

A black woman from the old slave quarters who works as a servant in Lorenzo Daza’s house. She takes meticulous care of the house and Fermina develops love for her since Gala has replaced… read analysis of Gala Placidia

Don Pius V Loayza

One of the three founders of the River Company of the Caribbean, Florentino Ariza’s father died when Florentino was 10 years old. Like Florentino, he was known as a passionate romantic who wrote lyrical… read analysis of Don Pius V Loayza


A young boy whom Florentino Ariza hires to search for the sunken galleon San José, which supposedly still full of treasures. Euclides tricks Florentino by making him believe that he has found the ship… read analysis of Euclides

Ofelia Urbino Daza

Like her brother Dr. Marco Aurelio Urbino Daza, Ofelia opposes her mother Fermina Daza’s desire to spend time with Florentino and develop a romantic relationship with him after her father Dr. Juvenal Urbinoread analysis of Ofelia Urbino Daza
Minor Characters
Lotario Thugut
Florentino’s friend in the telegraph company introduces Florentino to the art of the violin, to the church choir (where Florentino can observe Fermina), and to a hotel where prostitutes work. The two of them spend happy hours in that hotel—Lotario with prostitutes and Florentino simply observing the environment.
Dr. Lácides Olivella
One of Dr. Juvenal Urbino’s disciples who organizes a luncheon on the day that Jeremiah de Saint-Amour and Dr. Juvenal Urbino die.
Captain Rosendo de la Rosa
Ausencia Santander’s stable lover, a married riverboat captain, introduces Florentino to Ausencia but remains unaware of their secret relationship.
Andrea Varón
One of Florentino’s lovers who has relationships with both men and women. She is the only woman Florentino ever pays to have sex with, although they negotiate a symbolic fee of one peso.
Zenaida Neves
Captain Samaritano’s lover, whom he calls “my wild woman.” She boards the ship on their way back from La Dorada.