Test your knowledge of Act 1, scene 3. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
How do the witches refer to themselves before meeting Macbeth and Banquo on the heath?
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The enchantresses
The three mystics
The witch women
The weird sisters
What do the witches tell Banquo about his future?
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He will be king and found a line of kings to follow
He will never be king but his descendants will be
He will die when a friend becomes an enemy
He will overthrow a tyrant and save Scotland
What might explain Banquo's observation that Macbeth seems fearful as soon as he hears the witches tell him their prophecy?
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Macbeth doesn't want Banquo to know about the prophecy for him
The witches frighten Macbeth and he thinks that they are probably lying
Macbeth has a bad feeling about how his wife will respond to the prophecy
The idea of killing Duncan occurs to Macbeth as soon as he hears the prophecy
What happens to suggest to Banquo and Macbeth that the witches' prophecy might be true?
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They see a dagger floating in the air where the witches had just stood
Ross and Angus arrive with news of Macbeth's new title
Banquo sees an image of a line of kings stretching behind him
Scottish nobleman arrive with news of the defeat of the Norwegian King
What does Banquo's comment that "instruments of darkness" sometimes tell half truths to bring men to ruin imply about Macbeth's subsequent choices in the play?
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Macbeth is oblivious to the risks involved in trusting the witches
Macbeth blindly follows the witches' prophecies without considering consequences
Macbeth knows the risks but chooses to act on the witches prophecy anyway
Macbeth is fated to act in the way he does because he can't change the future
As Macbeth struggles with thoughts about killing Duncan in order to make the witches second prophecy for him come true, what classic question about fate is he grappling with?
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Whether fate control every aspect of life or individuals have free will
Whether fate predetermined or can it be changed by one's actions
Whether fate happen regardless of one's actions or if it requires action to fulfill it
Whether fate be controlled through magical means or supernatural intervention
What do Ross and Angus mistakenly believe is the cause of Macbeth's reverie after they deliver their news?