


William Shakespeare

Macbeth: Act 1, scene 4 Quiz 3 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 1, scene 4. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What is ironic when Duncan comments about the old Thane of Cawdor that you can't always trust appearances?
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The original Thane of Cawdor was actually trustworthy
Duncan has promoted Macbeth to become Thane of Cawdor
Macbeth has already proven himself to be untrustworthy
Duncan is completely aware of Macbeth's true intentions
How does Duncan view his role as King?
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As a leader who holds onto power in order to protect his people
As a gardener focused on nurturing his people to grow
As a figurehead who leads by example but doesn't hold much power
As a businessman focused on the wealth and prosperity of his people
What action of Duncan's creates an obstacle to Macbeth gaining the throne?
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Appointing Malcolm as heir to the throne
Increasing the salary of his soldiers
Refusing to resign the throne continued reign
Announcing Macduff will be his newest general