


William Shakespeare

Macbeth: Act 1, scene 6 Quiz 3 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 1, scene 6. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What do Duncan and Banquo notice about Inverness Castle when they arrive?
1 of 3
The castle is in disrepair and has a gloomy atmosphere
The air is sweet and martlets have nested in the castle
The castle is heavily fortified and guarded
The castle is lively with trade and laughter
What does the natural beauty of Inverness castle and its surroundings represent in relation to Macbeth's ambition?
2 of 3
The potential rewards of ambition and power
The laughable naivete of Duncan
The secrets that Macbeth is keeping
The loss Macbeth will experience
What does Macbeth's absence when Duncan arrives at Inverness suggest about his state of mind?
3 of 3
He is indifferent to the King's arrival
He is caught up in important matters of governance
He is burdened by the planned murder
He is attempting to construct an alibi