Test your knowledge of Act 1, scene 7. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
Macbeth, alone, weighs the pros and cons of murdering Duncan soon after Duncan arrives at Inverness. What conclusion does Macbeth reach?
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That his own honor and the potential for further bloodshed is worth less than his ambition
That he should act like a man, seize the moment, and kill Duncan to achieve his ambitions
That there must be an alternative, less violent way to gain power and he will seek it out
That he should postpone the murder until a more opportune time presents itself
What differing views of manhood are presented by Lady Macbeth and Macbeth in their argument about whether to murder Duncan?
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Lady Macbeth believes manhood means taking what you want, while Macbeth believes it involves responsibility and selflessness
Lady Macbeth believes manhood is about intelligence and cunning, while Macbeth believes it is about physical strength
Lady Macbeth believes manhood involves loyalty and honor, while Macbeth believes it is about achieving personal goals
Lady Macbeth believes manhood requires emotional detachment, while Macbeth believes it requires empathy and compassion
What is Lady Macbeth's plan for murdering Duncan?
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Poisoning Duncan's food during dinner so that he dies later in his sleep
Getting Duncan's attendants drunk and framing them for the murder
Staging a fake assassination attempt to divert attention from the actual murder
Hiring assassins to kill Duncan soon after he leaves the castle
In what way do Macbeth's private thoughts about murdering Duncan and his subsequent debate with Lady Macbeth suggest that Macbeth's tragedy is more profound than Lady Macbeth's?
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Macbeth cares more for Duncan than Lady Macbeth does
Macbeth is more susceptible to external influences such as the witches' prophecies
Macbeth has more to lose in terms of power and status
Macbeth understands the consequences of their actions while Lady Macbeth doesn't