


William Shakespeare

Macbeth: Act 2, scene 1 Quiz 5 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 2, scene 1. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
How does Banquo resemble Macbeth on the night on which Duncan is murdered?
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Banquo is uncertain about what it means to be a good man
Banquo is influenced by his wife to act in ways he otherwise might not
Banquo worries that the witches might be tricking him
Banquo is struggling to withstand ambitious thoughts
How does Banquo's behavior related to the troubling thoughts he is having after meeting with the witches contrast with Macbeth's behavior?
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Banquo is honest while Macbeth is secretive
Banquo talks to others while Macbeth isolates himself
Banquo trusts the witches while Macbeth does not
Banquo is focused on his family while Macbeth prioritizes himself
What condition does Banquo give when, on the evening preceding the murder of Duncan, Macbeth suggests they talk later about the witches and asks for his support?
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Banquo will support Macbeth if he is promised a high-ranking position
Banquo will only listen if Macbeth agrees to share power equally
Banquo agrees to listen but will only act if his own honor remains intact
Banquo will only support Macbeth if the witches' predictions are proven true
What does Macbeth see when he is alone before he gets the signal to murder Duncan?
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A ghostly figure of Duncan
A floating dagger
The witches faces
The faces of his ancestors
How does Lady Macbeth signal to Macbeth that the attendants are asleep and the coast is clear for him to commit the murder?
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She taps a rock against the wall
She hoots like an owl
She sends him a vision
She rings a bell