Madame Bovary


Gustave Flaubert

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Monsieur Rouault Character Analysis

Emma’s father, a nice, lonely man. His wife passed away when Emma was a child, and Emma is his one joy and consolation. He lives quite far from Yonville and does not often get to visit, but he sends the Bovarys a turkey every year as a token of his affection. He is devastated by Emma’s death.
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Monsieur Rouault Character Timeline in Madame Bovary

The timeline below shows where the character Monsieur Rouault appears in Madame Bovary. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1, Chapter 2
Abstraction, Fantasy, and Experience Theme Icon
Love and Desire Theme Icon
...sleepy, comfortable, and slightly anxious about his task. His patient is an old widower named Monsieur Rouault , who lives on a large farm with his daughter Emma. Charles easily sets the... (full context)
Abstraction, Fantasy, and Experience Theme Icon
Love and Desire Theme Icon
Charles returns the very next day to check on Monsieur Rouault ’s leg, and very frequently thereafter. The man’s leg heals quickly and easily, and Charles... (full context)
Part 1, Chapter 3
Abstraction, Fantasy, and Experience Theme Icon
Truth, Rhetoric, and Hypocrisy Theme Icon
Soon after her funeral, Monsieur Rouault visits Charles to pay him for his services and to offer his condolences. He describes... (full context)
Abstraction, Fantasy, and Experience Theme Icon
Love and Desire Theme Icon find the courage. When Charles visits at Michaelmas, he finally tries to speak to Monsieur Rouault . Before he can even get his words out, Monsieur Rouault happily gives his blessing.... (full context)
Part 1, Chapter 4
The Sublime and the Mundane Theme Icon
Love and Desire Theme Icon
Causes, Appearances, and Boredom Theme Icon
...herself is somewhat cool and detached. The newlyweds leave for Tostes the next day, leaving Monsieur Rouault to reminisce sadly about his own lost happiness. (full context)