My Beloved World


Sonia Sotomayor

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Tío Mayo Character Analysis

Tío Mayo is one of Mami’s older brothers who was put in charge of caring for his much younger sister after Titi Aurora married. He was a violent and exacting caregiver and often beat Mami, which Mami resents him for. He saw Mami as trouble. However, as an adult, Mami sees that he was just doing his best in a difficult situation, and fortunately, he did send Mami to school.
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Tío Mayo Character Timeline in My Beloved World

The timeline below shows where the character Tío Mayo appears in My Beloved World. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4
Family and Friendship Theme Icon
Puerto Rican Identity and Culture Theme Icon
Sonia, Mami, and Junior often stay with Titi Maria, Tío Mayo’s first wife who helped raise Mami. Mami maintained her relationship with Titi Maria after the... (full context)
Education and Learning Theme Icon
Puerto Rican Identity and Culture Theme Icon
Sonia loves visiting Tío Mayo’s panaderia, which is more than just a bakery—his wife also makes lunch for factory workers.... (full context)
Family and Friendship Theme Icon
Education and Learning Theme Icon
...left when Mami was born, but he’s in the hospital now. At the hospital, Tío Mayo leads Mami and Sonia to the appropriate bed. Mami’s father looks like Mami, but he’s... (full context)
Chapter 7
Optimism, Determination, and Adversity Theme Icon
Family and Friendship Theme Icon
Puerto Rican Identity and Culture Theme Icon
Morality, Justice, and Giving Back Theme Icon
...who sew them. Mami hems 24 handkerchiefs per week as her contribution to the household. Mayo feeds the family and eventually marries Maria, but he punishes Mami harshly when she misbehaves.... (full context)
Family and Friendship Theme Icon
Puerto Rican Identity and Culture Theme Icon reappear in four days to ship out to Miami—with her birth certificate. Aurora and Mayo find a lawyer willing to come up with a birth certificate stating that Mami was... (full context)