Oliver Twist


Charles Dickens

Edwin Leeford Character Analysis

Married first to Monks' mother, and then engaged to Agnes Fleming, Oliver's father dies in Rome after having claimed his inheritance, which he intended to pass on to Oliver and Agnes. This money, instead, went to Monks' mother and to Monks, thus precipitating much of the drama in the novel—Agnes' giving birth to Oliver in a poorhouse, and Oliver's travails in finding out his true identity.
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Edwin Leeford Character Timeline in Oliver Twist

The timeline below shows where the character Edwin Leeford appears in Oliver Twist. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 49
Thievery and Crime Theme Icon
Individualism and Social Bonds Theme Icon
Social Forces, Fate, and Free Will Theme Icon
It is revealed by Monks, when the servants have gone, that Brownlow is Monks's "father's oldest friend." This is, naturally, a shock to the reader but not to the two... (full context)
Thievery and Crime Theme Icon
Poverty, Institutions, and Class Theme Icon
Individualism and Social Bonds Theme Icon
Social Forces, Fate, and Free Will Theme Icon
...first admit that this is true. But Brownlow continues: Brownlow knows, he says, that Monks' father and mother were brought together in marriage by Monks' grandfather, that Monks' father never wanted... (full context)
Thievery and Crime Theme Icon
Poverty, Institutions, and Class Theme Icon
Individualism and Social Bonds Theme Icon
Social Forces, Fate, and Free Will Theme Icon
Meanwhile, in England, Monks' father became friends with a naval officer with two daughters—one nineteen, and the other only two... (full context)
Thievery and Crime Theme Icon
Poverty, Institutions, and Class Theme Icon
Individualism and Social Bonds Theme Icon
Social Forces, Fate, and Free Will Theme Icon
Brownlow knows this because Monks' father stopped to see Brownlow on his way to Europe to collect his inheritance. At this... (full context)
Thievery and Crime Theme Icon
Poverty, Institutions, and Class Theme Icon
Individualism and Social Bonds Theme Icon
Social Forces, Fate, and Free Will Theme Icon
...for Oliver. Monks tells Brownlow he cannot prove that Oliver is the child of Monks' father and this woman. But Brownlow says he can—he has found out that Monks' mother destroyed... (full context)