In “A Letter to Sylvia Plath,” Officer Mishin is a Soviet officer who, after the end of the Cold War, comes to work for the U.S. Navy with her dolphin Kostya. She’s small with extremely pale skin, and Officer Bloomington falls immediately in love with her. Much to Bloomington’s surprise, he discovers that Mishin trains dolphins as gently as he does. Indeed, Mishin is one of the loudest proponents of training dolphins kindly and not making them kill enemy divers—dolphins, Mishin insists, will refuse to perform tasks if they know they’ll cause harm. But Mishin’s first responsibility is to trying to keep her dolphins safe and happy, so she goes along with the Navy’s training plans so that she doesn’t have to allow other trainers to train her dolphins. She and Bloomington get married right after 9/11, and Sprout ends her story by revealing that at the time of her death in 2003, Mishin was very early in her pregnancy with a baby girl.