Test your knowledge of Act 1, scene 2. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
How does Othello react when Iago tells Othello about the nasty things Roderigo said about him and Brabantio's opposition to his marriage to Desdemona?
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Othello becomes enraged and seeks revenge
Othello is worried about the threat from these two men
Othello appears unconcerned and secure in himself
Othello comments that Iago must be exaggerating
What initially sets Othello apart from the other men in the play regarding the way he speaks about Desdemona?
2 of 5
Othello focuses on Desdemona's wealth
Othello speaks of Desdemona purely in terms of love
Othello sees Desdemona as a political ally
All of the above
What does Cassio's news about the Duke of Venice's request for Othello's help with an urgent military crisis in Cyprus suggest about the state's view of Othello?
3 of 5
The state values Othello's military leadership more than any racial prejudice against him
The state is planning to use Othello's marriage to Desdemona as leverage for political gain
The state is secretly plotting to remove Othello from power by putting him in harm's way
A and B
What does Brabantio accuse Othello of when he confronts him?
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Threatening Desdemona to elope with him
Physically harming Desdemona
Refusing to let Brabantio preside over their wedding
Enchanting Desdemona to win her love
What does Othello's decision to go before the Duke rather than argue about Brabantio's grievances in the street reveal about him?
5 of 5
Othello is unsure of the outcome and fears the Duke's judgment
Othello is confident that his honorable military service will outweigh his outsider status
Othello believes the Duke will side with Brabantio but his pride forces him to take the risk
Othello is indifferent to the outcome and is focused on his military responsibilities