

William Shakespeare

Othello: Act 1, scene 3 Quiz 10 questions

Read our modern English translation.
Test your knowledge of Act 1, scene 3. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What main theme of the play is most particularly touched upon in the Duke's meeting with his senators about the plans of the attacking Turkish fleet?
1 of 10
Loyalty and betrayal
Appearance versus reality
Love and marriage
Power and authority.
What does the Duke's response to Brabantio's accusations against Othello suggest about the Duke's own racial prejudice?
2 of 10
It reveals that he shares the same prejudices against Othello as Brabantio
It proves that the Duke shares none of Brabantio's prejudices against Othello
It indicates that, even if the Duke is prejudiced, his need for Othello's help outweighs it
It shows that the Duke's prejudice outweighs Brabantio's but is more carefully hidden
What does Othello claim won Desdemona's love?
3 of 10
His tales of travel and valor
His physical appearance and military uniform
His use of magic spells and potions
His wealth and social status in Venice
What does Desdemona's assertion of obedience to Othello indicate about women in this society?
4 of 10
Women were expected to make their own decisions.
Women were always supposed to be obedient to a man
Women were expected to be obedient to their fathers but not their husbands.
Obedience was a flexible concept and women could choose whom to obey
What does Desdemona's insistence on accompanying Othello to Cyprus demonstrate?
5 of 10
Her lack of interest in Othello's military career
Her lack of respect for her father
Her fear of staying alone in Venice without Othello
Her willingness to assert her will
What does Brabantio warn Othello about Desdemona before leaving?
6 of 10
That Desdemona might betray Othello because she has too much independence
That Desdemona is loyal to her father and may not fully commit to her marriage
That Desdemona is more loyal to herself than she will ever be to any politician
That because Desdemona disobeyed her father she might also disobey her husband
Which of the following best describes Brabantio's view of Desdemona's independence?
7 of 10
As a positive quality that will strengthen her marriage with Othello
As a sign of strength and intelligence that should be celebrated
As nothing more than disloyalty to the men in her life
As a temporary phase that will pass once she is married.
What does Othello's decision to entrust Iago with Desdemona's care on the way to Cyprus reveal about their relationship?
8 of 10
Othello has doubts about Iago's loyalty
Othello is testing Iago
Othello trusts Iago
Othello sees Iago as unimportant
How does Iago react to Roderigo's thoughts of drowning himself?
9 of 10
Iago mocks Roderigo for his sentimentality
Iago sympathizes with Roderigo's sadness
Iago encourages Roderigo to go ahead
Iago ignores Roderigo's feelings and changes the subject
In his soliloquy before departing for Cyprus, what does Iago reveal is his plan to take down Othello?
10 of 10
His plan is to tell Othello that Roderigo is in love with Desdemona
His plan is to tell Othello that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio
His plan is to tell Othello that Cassio is secretly planning to betray him
His plan is to tell Othello that he knows Emilia has been unfaithful