Sister Carrie


Theodore Dreiser

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Jessica Hurstwood Character Analysis

Hurstwood’s daughter by Julia Hurstwood. Hurstwood had a tender spot for Jessica during her younger years but loses this affection as she grows vain and spoiled, turning into a woman not unlike her mother. Jessica spends most of her time scheming with her mother to marry into a wealthy family.
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Jessica Hurstwood Character Timeline in Sister Carrie

The timeline below shows where the character Jessica Hurstwood appears in Sister Carrie. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 9 (Convention’s Own Tinder-Box: The Eye That is Green)
Wealth and Class Theme Icon
...and stable. He lives with his wife, Julia, and son and daughter, George Jr. and Jessica. The family employs a maidservant whom Mrs. Hurstwood often switches, as she is fussy and... (full context)
Wealth and Class Theme Icon
Hurstwood used to be fond of his daughter, Jessica. Unfortunately, as she grew older, the now 18-year-old Jessica developed “notions of life which were... (full context)
Wealth and Class Theme Icon
Recently, expenses have been rather high for the Hurstwood household, given Mrs. Hurstwood and Jessica’s spending habits. Hurstwood, irritated with his household, decides to accept an invitation for an aldermanic... (full context)
Chapter 15 (The Irk of the Old Ties: The Magic of Youth)
Wealth and Class Theme Icon
...certain members of high society have bought season tickets and because she wishes to exhibit Jessica, in hopes of marrying her to “a man of means.” Hurstwood and Mrs. Hurstwood briefly... (full context)
Wealth and Class Theme Icon less irritated and the season ticket is secured, but this “did not heal matters.” Jessica is annoyed about an acquaintance, Georgine, who is going to Europe and who “put on... (full context)
Chapter 20 (The Lure of the Spirit: The Flesh in Pursuit)
Morality and Instinct Theme Icon
Wealth and Class Theme Icon
...sorts” because attending the races had proved a rather unsuccessful affair with regards to finding Jessica a suitor. Her husband’s inattentiveness leads Mrs. Hurstwood to decide that “she would have more... (full context)
Chapter 22 (The Blaze of the Tinder: Flesh Wars With the Flesh)
Morality and Instinct Theme Icon
Mrs. Hurstwood finds Jessica in her dressing room after Hurstwood leaves the house and expresses her displeasure at Jessica’s... (full context)
Wealth and Class Theme Icon
...he saw Hurstwood driving with a woman who he thought was either Mrs. Hurstwood or Jessica. Mrs. Hurstwood remarks that it must have been Jessica to save face, but now privately... (full context)
Chapter 41 (The Strike)
Morality and Instinct Theme Icon
Wealth and Class Theme Icon
...pleasant dream: “He had been back in Chicago in fancy, in his own comfortable home. Jessica had been arranging to go somewhere, and he had been talking with her about it.”... (full context)
Chapter 47 (The Way of the Beaten: A Harp in the Wind)
Urban Life and Decay Theme Icon
Morality and Instinct Theme Icon
Wealth and Class Theme Icon
...couple of girls” and “have a dandy time.” Passing on a Pullman are Mrs. Hurstwood, Jessica, and Jessica’s rich husband. The three are discussing what to do. Jessica is beautiful but... (full context)