Son of a Trickster


Eden Robinson


The Anthropocene is the current geological age—the period during which human activity is the dominant influence on the environment. In Son of a Trickster, characters refer to the Anthropocene as the period of human-driven… read analysis of Anthropocene


Halayt refers to someone who is a high chief medicine woman or man (who are also sometimes referred to as shamans). In Son of a Trickster, Nana Sophia is Halayt. read analysis of Halayt


The Heiltsuk are an Indigenous people in British Columbia, Canada, primarily concentrated on the island of Bella Bella. In Son of a Trickster, Maggie and Anita are Heiltsuk, and Jared is half Heiltsuk. read analysis of Heiltsuk


The ‘Namgis are an Indigenous people in British Columbia, Canada, primarily concentrated around Alert Bay on Vancouver Island. In Son of a Trickster, Nana Sophia and Phil are ‘Namgis, and Jared is half ‘Namgis. read analysis of ‘Namgis
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