The Decameron

The Decameron


Giovanni Boccaccio

Buffalmacco Character Analysis

Like Calandrino and unlike Bruno, Buffalmacco is based on a Florentine painter. He appears in tales told by Elissa (VIII, 3), Filomena (VII, 6), Lauretta (VIII, 9), Filostrato (IX, 3), and Fiammetta (IX, 5). A big, strong man, he is always with Bruno. Together they trick Calandrino on several occasions, and he also defrauds Simone da Villa, earning a bunch of free meals in the process. Like Bruno, he is a trickster figure who delights in pranking the gullible.

Buffalmacco Quotes in The Decameron

The The Decameron quotes below are all either spoken by Buffalmacco or refer to Buffalmacco. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Love and Sex Theme Icon
Day 8: Sixth Tale Quotes

Calandrino is a mean sort of fellow, who’s very fond of drinking when other people pay. So let’s go and take him to the tavern, where the priest can pretend to play the host to the rest of us and pay for all the drinks. When he sees that he has nothing to pay, Calandrino will drink himself into a stupor, and then the rest will be plain sailing because there’s no one else staying at the house.

Everything turned out as Bruno had predicted. When Calandrino saw that the priest would not allow him to pay, he began to drink like a fish, and quaffed a great deal more than he needed to make him drunk.

Related Characters: Bruno (speaker), Filomena, Calandrino, Buffalmacco
Page Number: 580
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Buffalmacco Character Timeline in The Decameron

The timeline below shows where the character Buffalmacco appears in The Decameron. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Day 8: Third Tale
Intelligence Theme Icon
...Calandrino, a Florentine painter and “simple, unconventional sort of fellow.” His friends include Bruno and Buffalmacco, other Florentine painters who are as “shrewd” and quick-witted as he is simple. (full context)
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...of sight, can be found near Florence. Calandrino  searches all over the city to tell Buffalmacco and Bruno about the heliotropes, remembering hours later that they’re painting a nunnery. Finding them... (full context)
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The delay gives Bruno and Buffalmacco enough time to plan their own prank. On Sunday morning, they go with Calandrino to... (full context)
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...him, he cries that she “ruined everything” and begins to mercilessly beat her. Bruno and Buffalmacco arrive shortly afterward to find Tessa cowering in the corner of a room strewn with... (full context)
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Calandrino jumps up to resume beating Tessa, but Bruno and Buffalmacco restrain him. They say it’s his own fault for not telling her to stay away... (full context)
Day 8: Sixth Tale
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Filomena’s tale, inspired by Elissa’s, also concerns Calandrino, Bruno, and Buffalmacco. A small country farm made up part of the dowry of Calandrino’s wife (Tessa). Every... (full context)
Intelligence Theme Icon
...stolen. Calandrino refuses, since he doesn’t want to provoke his wife’s wrath. Bruno suggests to Buffalmacco that they get Calandrino drunk, then steal it.  (full context)
Moderation and Excess Theme Icon
Faith vs. Religion Theme Icon
...Calandrino gets very drunk, forgetting to close the door when he stumbles home. This allows Buffalmacco and Bruno to walk in and take the pig. Calandrino is upset to discover the... (full context)
Intelligence Theme Icon apothecary, along with two specially marked candies made from bitter dog ginger. He and Buffalmacco offer to say the spell over the candies and help Calandrino hand them out to... (full context)
Intelligence Theme Icon
The next morning, Bruno and Buffalmacco bring the wine and candies to Calandrino and his neighbors. Explaining that Calandrino’s pig was... (full context)
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...his mouth, but it is too bitter, and he eventually spits it out. Bruno and Buffalmacco declare that he must have stolen his own pig, while neighbors scold him. (full context)
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Intelligence Theme Icon
...avoid further trouble, Calandrino gives in, and after they’ve had the pig salted, Bruno and Buffalmacco carry it and the chickens home.  (full context)
Day 8: Ninth Tale
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...of curiosity about his neighbors and is always asking questions about everyone, especially Bruno and Buffalmacco. (full context)
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Noting that Bruno and Buffalmacco are always happy and carefree, despite being poor painters, Simone da Villa concludes that they... (full context)
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...will risk it if Simone promises absolute secrecy. He tells the doctor that he and Buffalmacco are members of a secret society, formed some years ago when a group of Florentine... (full context)
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...of them are powerful queens, who cavort with society members in splendid beds after dinner. Buffalmacco prefers the Queen of France, while Bruno likes the Queen of England. These rich ladies... (full context)
Intelligence Theme Icon keep it secret, Bruno will tell him how to get in. Simone must befriend Buffalmacco, since he is the next captain, and his opinion on new members will hold greater... (full context)
Intelligence Theme Icon
When Simone da Villa asks Buffalmacco for admittance into the secret society, he offers so many “pearls of wisdom” that Buffalmacco... (full context)
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Within a few days, Bruno and Buffalmacco explain to Simone da Villa how he will be inducted. That night, after dark, he... (full context)
Faith vs. Religion Theme Icon
...darkness falls, Simone da Villa gives his wife an excuse for going out. Tall, sturdy Buffalmacco disguises himself as the demonic creature and goes to the church square where he leaps... (full context)
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Intelligence Theme Icon
Class and Character Theme Icon
Buffalmacco carries Simone da Villa through the city and along ditches where “farmers…pour the offerings of... (full context)
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The next morning, Bruno and Buffalmacco paint bruises on their chests and visit Simone da Villa, who still reeks. They complain... (full context)
Day 9: Third Tale
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...plans to buy a farm—at least until he realizes how expensive they are. Bruno and Buffalmacco can’t convince him to spend it on partying, but they and their friend Nello think... (full context)
Intelligence Theme Icon
The next morning, Nello, Buffalmacco, and Bruno place themselves in Calandrino’s path, and when they say good morning, they each... (full context)
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Men and Women Theme Icon
Moderation and Excess Theme Icon
...about her “insatiable lust.” If he felt better, he would beat her for it. Nello, Buffalmacco, and Bruno can barely contain their laughter. (full context)
Men and Women Theme Icon
Intelligence Theme Icon
...declares him restored. Calandrino tells everyone about his miraculously fast and painless miscarriage-inducing treatment; Bruno, Buffalmacco, and Nello congratulate themselves on getting around his avarice; and Tessa, not deceived by the... (full context)
Day 9: Fifth Tale
Love and Sex Theme Icon tale. When Niccolò Cornacchini builds a mansion in the country, he commissions Bruno and Buffalmacco to paint its frescoes, and they recruit Nello and Calandrino to help. The only other... (full context)
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Class and Character Theme Icon
When Calandrino wanders off in search of Niccolosa, Bruno tells Buffalmacco and Nello about his crush and they plan a prank to play on him. Bruno... (full context)
Faith vs. Religion Theme Icon
...favor of wooing Niccolosa, Niccolosa encourages him, and Bruno acts as go-between. Occasionally, Bruno and Buffalmacco claim that Niccolosa wants a small present, and in this way, they defraud him of... (full context)
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Men and Women Theme Icon
...wants. Bruno suggests Calandrino take her to the barn for privacy, where Bachelor Filippo and Buffalmacco are already hiding. Meanwhile, Nello entices Tessa to the estate with the chance to pay... (full context)
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Men and Women Theme Icon
...pushes Calandrino to the ground and then sits astride him, pinning his arms, while Bruno, Buffalmacco, and Bachelor Filippo watch from their secret spot. Just as Calandrino frees his arms and... (full context)