The Goldfinch


Donna Tartt

Kotku is Boris’s girlfriend while they attend high school in Las Vegas. Kotku is not her real name, but a Slavic nickname Boris gives her that means “kitty cat.” She is three years older than Boris and has been held back in school. There are rumors that her mother is a sex worker. Theo disapproves of Kotku because he thinks she is unintelligent and a delinquent. However, Theo comes to feel more sympathy for Kotku after he hears about how she was abused by her mother’s boyfriend and ended up becoming homeless.
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Kotku Character Timeline in The Goldfinch

The timeline below shows where the character Kotku appears in The Goldfinch. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2, Chapter 6: Wind, Sand and Stars
...this all changes shortly after Theo turns 15, when Boris meets a girl he calls Kotku, a nickname that comes from the Polish word for “Kitty cat.” Her real name is... (full context)
Boris meets Kotku when he buys weed from her, and immediately announces to Theo that he is “in... (full context)
Kotku actually already has a boyfriend, a 26 year old pool cleaner, but Boris insists that... (full context)
...Boris isn’t interested in them. He dismisses girls who “work too hard,” saying he likes Kotku because “she is like us [him and Theo].” Theo is disturbed by the implication that... (full context)
Theo looks down on Kotku because she is unintelligent, but he is also afraid of her. He is devastated by... (full context)
...when Theo points out there is nothing in the house, Boris decides to go to Kotku’s. (full context)
Although they are still passionately obsessed with each other, Boris and Kotku have started fighting constantly. Kotku’s boyfriend is no longer an issue, as he has joined... (full context)
Half an hour later Boris returns, fuming that Kotku is not answering her phone. Theo tries to tell Boris about Mr. Silver, but Boris... (full context)
The next day at school, Kotku has a cut lip. When Theo asks Boris about it, Boris admits that he hit... (full context)
At school, Boris and Theo discuss Boris hitting Kotku again, and Boris implies that he wanted to hurt her. However, then he excitedly tells... (full context)
...with him and that he is going to run away instead. When Theo asks if Kotku is coming, Boris looks sad and says he doesn’t know. At that moment, Theo feels... (full context)
Theo suddenly apologizes for not liking Kotku, and Boris admits that she doesn’t like Theo either. They discuss how it looks like... (full context)
...into tears. At one point Boris tells Theo he has to go, because he promised Kotku he would meet her at her mother’s apartment. Theo begs him to stay, and after... (full context)