The Importance of Being Earnest


Oscar Wilde

Jack’s Cigarette Case Symbol Analysis

Because Jack’s cigarette case reveals his dual identity as “Ernest” in town and “Jack” in the country it represents his double life.
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Jack’s Cigarette Case Symbol Timeline in The Importance of Being Earnest

The timeline below shows where the symbol Jack’s Cigarette Case appears in The Importance of Being Earnest. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 1, Part 1
Jack initially denies the existence of Cecily, but Algernon instructs Lane to bring out the cigarette case that Jack left at their last dinner party. To Jack’s annoyance, Algernon discloses that he... (full context)
Act 2, Part 1
...and presents his business card. It is the same card that Jack stored in his cigarette case . The visitor is actually Algernon, masquerading as Jack’s fictional brother “Ernest.” (full context)