The Last Battle


C. S. Lewis

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The Last Battle: Chapter 11 Summary & Analysis

Tirian immediately targets Rishda, who scrambles away from him. Nearby, the rest of Tirian’s band leaps into action, including Farsight, who swoops down from high above. Because Rishda quickly escapes Tirian’s reach, Tirian turns his attention to Shift, who has yet to fully comprehend what is going on. Tirian picks Shift up, throws him into the stable, and then locks the door so he cannot get out. Moments later, a green light emanates from the stable and the earth shakes. Everyone hears a terrifying noise come from within, which sounds birdlike. From above, Farsight can see that Rishda is just as surprised as everyone else by what is happening.
The birdlike sounds from within the stable recall Tash, who has a birdlike appearance. Again, Rishda’s surprise suggests that whatever is going on in the stable was not part of his plan. Tirian targets Shift and Rishda first because he hopes that he can strike an early victory by taking out the Calormene leadership. While he is partially successful, the terrifying result of throwing Shift into the stable only makes everything more chaotic.
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Then, Narnian animals begin to rush to Tirian’s side. In particular, a group of dogs excitedly join him, as do the boar, a bear, and mice. However, most of the other animals cower and do not join Tirian because they fear Tashlan’s wrath. Tirian asks where all the Narnian horses have gone. The animals explain that they are tied up down near the mines because the Calormenes have been using them for work. Tirian sends the mice to go and gnaw through the ropes binding the horses. 
While Tirian does not end up with as many allies as he would have liked, the fact that there is anyone eager to join his cause is a boost to morale. Throughout the Narnia series, horses are often the bravest and most noble animals, so Tirian suspects they will join his cause in the battle. However, for the moment, he is beginning the fight with a small army.
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Once everyone has taken a side, the battle properly begins. Rishda orders the Calormenes to drive the Narnians into the stable, hoping to offer them as sacrifices to Tash. From afar, Farsight notes that Rishda is attempting to get on Tash’s good side after assuming he did not exist. Farsight is skeptical that Rishda’s plan will work.
Rather than performing an act of self-sacrifice, Rishda decides that the only way to get Tash on his side is to sacrifice others. Rishda’s behavior speaks to his own selfishness, but also perhaps to the values of Tash, whose appearance suggests he feasts on death and destruction.
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Tirian, Eustace, and the others rush to meet the Calormene force, as Jill pelts them with arrows from afar. The first Narnian push is largely successful, though the Calormenes begin beating a drum to call for backup. Midway through the fight, the Narnian horses charge up the hill to help Tirian. However, before they can reach the Calormene force, the dwarves shoot them with arrows and kill them. When Tirian asks the dwarves why they would kill the horses, they insist that they are out for themselves alone and do not want to kneel to any king or deity. Tirian attempts to get them to change their mind, but they hold firm.
This sudden betrayal from the dwarves is a huge blow to the Narnians, who were counting on the aid of the horses. Earlier in the novel, Tirian and Jewel killed two Calormenes for daring to strike a horse. Here, the dwarves have committed a far greater wrongdoing, which enrages the Narnians. However, Tirian knows he needs the dwarves as allies if he hopes to win the battle. Without them, all hope seems lost.
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Tirian continues fighting the Calormenes. While many more Calormenes are falling in battle than Narnians, the Calormenes have far greater numbers and even more keep showing up. Internally, Tirian already thinks he has been beaten, though he does not show weakness to his men. Instead, he soldiers on, ordering his side to fight and until he gives the signal to retreat. Eventually, the Calormenes grow too numerous and the Narnians take too many casualties, so Tirian orders his force to retreat to a white rock where they can make their final stand.
Tirian is a brave leader who projects courage that would make Aslan proud, even when he suspects all hope is lost. In the Bible, white is a color associated with the good and the holy. As such, the white rock represents Tirian’s hope that his faith will somehow overcome the endless Calormenes. At this point, Tirian is hoping for a miracle.  
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