The Last Battle


C. S. Lewis

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The Last Battle: Chapter 13 Summary & Analysis

Tirian looks around and sees that he is no longer in a stable. Rather, he and the kings and queens are standing in a beautiful natural setting with fruit-bearing trees all around. For a moment, everyone is unsure whether they should eat the fruit. However, Peter assures them they are now in a land where everything is permitted. Collectively, they all eat fruit, which tastes better than any fruit they have ever had before. The taste is so delectable that it cannot be described, only experienced.
If it was not clear before, it is now evident that Aslan has somehow intervened and saved Tirian from the hellish state that Narnia has turned into. The stable, which was once a sight of deception, has become an Edenic paradise. As is the case in Eden, fruit is everywhere, and its otherworldly taste suggests Tirian has ascended to a higher realm.
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Peter describes how he and Edmund came to this place. He explains that they were watching Eustace and Jill’s train come into the station when they noticed it was taking a bend far too quickly. The Professor and Aunt Polly were also on the train, as were Peter and Edmund’s parents. After seeing the train go quickly around the bend, Edmund recalls a loud noise and remembers being struck by something. However, he felt no pain. The Professor—known in Narnia as Lord Digory—says he had a similar experience. He felt no pain; in fact, he immediately began to feel youthful.
Here, the tragedy of the novel comes to light, though it is only tragic for those who remain on Earth or Narnia. For Peter, Tirian, and everyone else present, they have found a second existence far more glorious than anything they could have ever imagined. Though Aslan has yet to appear, it is evident that everything that is occurring is due to his influence.
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Peter shows Tirian a door that is sitting in open space. Tirian looks through the door and sees Narnia on the other side. Then, Lucy gives an account of the various people and creatures who recently came through the door. First, there was a Calormene, who came to stand guard. Next came Ginger, to whom Tash appeared. Immediately, Ginger went back through the door because he was frightened. After Ginger came Emeth, who fought with the sentry and threw him back through the door to Stable Hill. Emeth is still somewhere in the area searching for Tash. After Emeth came Shift. When Shift arrived, Tash immediately showed up and devoured him. Then came the dwarves, who are also still around, and lastly, Jill, Eustace, and Tirian.
Tash appears to those who attempted to use him for their own gain. Though Tash is Aslan’s antithesis, like Aslan, he does not appreciate his name being used to benefit others. Meanwhile, Emeth, who actually wanted to see Tash, was greeted with Aslan’s Edenic realm instead. The doorway between Narnia and Aslan’s realm serves as a site of judgement, as those who come through it meet a fate that is appropriate for the way they lived their lives. The doorway emphasizes the Christian idea that one’s actions can significantly affect their experience in the afterlife.
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Lucy approaches the dwarves, who are nearby, to try to get them to understand that they have been transported to a better place. She recruits Tirian to help her. Although Tirian is angry at the dwarves because of their betrayal, he cannot turn down an offer from one of the queens of Narnia. However, when Lucy and Tirian speak to the dwarves, the dwarves believe they are simply in a stable. They cannot see the wonderful world that everyone else is privy to.
The dwarves’ collective blindness to the beauty around them fits with their behavior in Narnia. There, they refused to see that which was righteous and good, instead deciding to isolate themselves from the devotees of Aslan. For his part, Tirian shows grace in attempting to help the dwarves, given their behavior in the last battle.
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The End of the World Theme Icon
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While Tirian and Lucy are arguing with the dwarves, Aslan appears. Tirian turns around and is in awe of Aslan’s presence. Everyone bows to Aslan, who greets them and praises Tirian for his leadership during Narnia’s darkest hour. Lucy asks Aslan if he can help the dwarves. Aslan says he can try, but there is only so much he can do. Then, he creates a giant feast for the dwarves to eat. However, the dwarves think the feast only consists of items from around the stable and do not see its magnificence. Aslan tells everyone else that the dwarves refuse to see the truth because they have lost their ability to believe. Seeing nothing else he can do for the dwarves, Aslan approaches the doorway standing in open space, which swings open as he gets close.
Aslan’s sudden appearance confirms what Tirian has felt throughout the novel; that is, that Aslan’s love and grace transcends whatever schemes Shift and Rishda could hope to pull off. Still, although Aslan is powerful, he cannot force any person to worship him if they do not want to. Because the dwarves have dedicated themselves to living life on their own terms, free of gods and kings, they cannot partake in the pleasures Aslan offers them. Ultimately, all of the creatures of Narnia have their own free will, and they must live with the consequences of their actions.
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