The Last Battle


C. S. Lewis

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The Last Battle: Chapter 7 Summary & Analysis

The Calormenes and the dwarves come to a stop and tell Tirian that they are taking the dwarves to work in Tisroc’s mines—Tisroc being the Calormene leader. Tirian asks if the dwarves have suffered a military defeat against Tisroc. The dwarves respond in unison, saying they did not suffer a defeat but instead are going to the mines on Aslan’s orders.
Tirian likely suspects that the dwarves did not suffer a military defeat. He simply asks them the question as a rhetorical strategy, knowing he will soon be able to reveal Shift’s lies. Here and elsewhere, the dwarves largely act as a collective unit, speaking and acting in unison.
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Tirian shows Puzzle to the dwarves and the Calormenes. He informs them that Shift lied and was not actually getting his orders from Aslan. Suddenly suspicious, the Calormenes draw their sword and ask for a password. Instead of responding, Tirian unsheathes his sword and attacks the nearest Calormene. Eustace also draws the scimitar Tirian gave him and fights a Calormene, while the dwarves handle the rest. In the end, the Calormenes fall and no one else is harmed.
The Calormenes assumed by Tirian’s appearance that he was on their side until they heard what he had to say. The Calormenes’ reaction suggests that they may have known about Shift’s trick already. Regardless, they know what Tirian is saying is not good for the Calormene cause, so they attack.
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After the battle, Tirian encourages everyone to give three cheers in the name of Aslan. To his surprise, the dwarves sulk and refuse to utter Aslan’s name. They claim that they have heard enough about Aslan lately. Jill tries to explain to them that she and Eustace came from another world to rescue them, just as they did for Rilian many years ago. However, her tale only makes the dwarves more skeptical. The dwarves think that Tirian, Jill, and Eustace are making everything up to trick them, just as Shift did. Not only do they not believe that Tirian serves Aslan, they also don’t think Tirian is telling them the truth about his identity because Tirian is still disguised as a Calormene.
This is a significant turning point for Tirian who, up to this point, assumed he could win his kingdom back simply through telling the truth. However, in a realm full of lies and deceit, Tirian discovers that it is more difficult to get the truth out than he thought. To make matters worse, the dwarves cannot see beyond Tirian’s disguise, which they thinks paints him as the enemy, despite the content of what he is telling them. Like Puzzle, Tirian looks like someone he is not, which hinders his cause.
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The dwarves go their own way. After Tirian’s group has walked a fair distance, a dwarf who introduces himself as Poggin approaches them. Poggin is from the group of dwarves that Tirian just helped rescue. Poggin explains that he snuck away from the other dwarves because he believes Tirian and wants to fight on his behalf. Tirian welcomes Poggin to the group, and then everyone continues on their journey.
Poggin represents hope and a chance at redemption for the dwarves. While redemption is only handed out on an individual basis, Poggin’s change of heart suggest that other dwarves might rally to Tirian’s cause—which is also Aslan’s cause—as well.
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When the group returns to the tower, everyone immediately goes to bed and passes out from exhaustion. The next morning, they work together to make breakfast. As they are eating, Tirian asks Poggin if he has any information about the enemy. Poggin tells him that he believes a cat named Ginger and a Calormene captain named Rishda have overtaken Shift and are pulling the strings on the entire operation.
In addition to redeeming himself, Poggin also proves himself a useful ally. Apparently, others have already begun to undermine Shift’s authority, demonstrating the fleeting nature of his scheme. However, Shift’s replacements appear more cunning than him, which puts Tirian’s group at a disadvantage. 
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Poggin overheard Rishda and Ginger talking about how they are getting sick of Shift and plan to dispose of him soon. Additionally, he hears them say that they do not believe in Aslan or Tash. They plan to collude with other Narnians who do not believe in such deities and ultimately profit by continuing to spread lies. As Poggin finishes his story, the temperature suddenly drops, and the sky grows cloudy. A foul smell begins permeating the air, and everyone looks to the sky where they see something terrible.
Not only was Shift’s reign short-lived, but it also put a target on his back. Although Rishda and Ginger do not respect Shift, they see potential in his ideas, which they plan to steal for themselves. The chapter ends on a cliffhanger, as the shift in the weather suggests that something evil is on its way to Tirian’s tower— perhaps something apocalyptic in nature.
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