The Mayor of Casterbridge


Thomas Hardy

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The Mayor of Casterbridge Symbols

Five Guineas

The specific sum of five guineas is used in two significant transactions in the novel: first, this is the amount for which Richard Newson purchases Susan Henchard and Elizabeth-Jane from Michael Henchard at the Weydon-Priors… read analysis of Five Guineas

Restoring Wheat

Donald Farfrae generous offer to show Michael Henchard how to restore the quality of a harvest of bad wheat is the basis of these two characters’ first interaction and subsequent business partnership. The conversation the… read analysis of Restoring Wheat

The Ring

An ancient Roman construction outside the town of Casterbridge, the Ring is an amphitheater structure once used for violence and entertainment. In the context of the novel, the Ring is primarily used for secretive meetings… read analysis of The Ring

The Second Bridge

There are two bridges near the lower part of Casterbridge where folks who are down on their luck—“in love, in business, in sobriety, in crime”— like to stand and reflect. The first bridge is at… read analysis of The Second Bridge

The Effigies

The effigies are symbols in several ways within this novel. Most simplistically, the effigies are symbolic within the story and for the characters who construct them and see them. The poor folk of Mixen Lane… read analysis of The Effigies

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