The Mysterious Affair at Styles


Agatha Christie

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Captain Arthur Hastings Character Analysis

The novel’s narrator, Arthur Hastings is a 30-year-old soldier on leave from World War I after having been injured in battle. While on leave, Hastings runs into John Cavendish, an old friend who invites him to spend time at Styles Court, his family’s estate in the English countryside. Hastings is glad to accept this invitation, especially when he meets John’s beautiful wife, Mary Cavendish, to whom Hastings takes an immediate liking. Before long, though, Hastings gets swept up in trying to help his old friend Hercule Poirot solve the murder of John’s stepmother, Emily Inglethorp. Hastings has grand ideas of becoming a detective himself, priding himself in having “a certain talent for deduction,” so he’s quite excited to work alongside Poirot. His contributions to the investigation, however, are rarely of much use, and it soon becomes clear that Hastings lacks the knack for detective work that Poirot exemplifies so perfectly. At times, Hastings even grows frustrated because he can’t follow Poirot’s reasoning, and though he thinks of himself as a keen observer of human behavior, he’s actually rather gullible and impulsive. In contrast to Poirot, he often seems very naïve and incredulous, but he still unwittingly manages to help the skilled detective from time to time by accidentally pointing something out that gives Poirot a new idea. In this way, he sees himself as part of the investigation, even though Poirot ends up having to explain to him how, exactly, he cracked the case.

Captain Arthur Hastings Quotes in The Mysterious Affair at Styles

The The Mysterious Affair at Styles quotes below are all either spoken by Captain Arthur Hastings or refer to Captain Arthur Hastings. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Logic and Deduction Theme Icon
Chapter 1: I Go to Styles Quotes

He had married two years ago, and had taken his wife to live at Styles, though I entertained a shrewd suspicion that he would have preferred his mother to increase his allowance, which would have enabled him to have a home of his own. [Emily Inglethorp], however, was a lady who liked to make her own plans, and expected other people to fall in with them, and in this case she certainly had the whip hand, namely: the purse strings.

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Emily Inglethorp, John Cavendish
Page Number: 4-5
Explanation and Analysis:

“[…] The fellow must be at least twenty years younger than she is! It’s simply barefaced fortune hunting; but there you are—she is her own mistress, and she’s married him.”

Related Characters: John Cavendish (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings, Emily Inglethorp, Alfred Inglethorp
Page Number: 5
Explanation and Analysis:

His watchful and attentive manner never varied. From the very first I took a firm and rooted dislike to him, and I flatter myself that my first judgements are usually fairly shrewd.

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Emily Inglethorp, Alfred Inglethorp
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:

“Like a good detective story myself,” remarked Miss Howard. “Lots of nonsense written, though. Criminal discovered in last chapter. Everyone dumbfounded. Real crime—you’d know at once.”

“There have been a great number of undiscovered crimes,” I argued.

“Don’t mean the police, but the people that are right in it. The family. You couldn’t really hoodwink them. They’d know.”

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Evelyn Howard (speaker)
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 10
Explanation and Analysis:

“Look after her, Mr. Hastings. My poor Emily. They’re a lot of sharks—all of them. Oh, I know what I’m talking about. There isn’t one of them that’s not hard up and trying to get money out of her. I’ve protected her as much as I could. Now I’m out of the way, they’ll impose upon her.”

Related Characters: Evelyn Howard (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings, Emily Inglethorp
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 2: The 16th and 17th of July Quotes

“If you people only knew how fatally easy it is to poison someone by mistake, you wouldn’t joke about it. Come on, let’s have tea. We’ve got all sorts of secret stores in that cupboard. No, Lawrence—that’s the poison cupboard. The big cupboard—that’s right.”

Related Characters: Cynthia Murdock (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings, Lawrence Cavendish
Page Number: 19
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3: The Night of the Tragedy Quotes

We went slowly down the stairs. I was violently excited. I have a certain talent for deduction, and Dr. Bauerstein’s manner had started a flock of wild surmises in my mind.

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Emily Inglethorp, Dr. Bauerstein
Page Number: 32
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 4: Poirot Investigates Quotes

“The mind is confused? Is it not so? Take time, mon ami. You are agitated; you are excited—it is but natural. Presently, when we are calmer, we will arrange the facts, neatly, each in his proper place. We will examine—and reject. Those of importance we will put on one side; those of no importance, pouf!”—he screwed up his cherublike face, and puffed comically enough—“blow them away!”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker)
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:

“[…] One fact leads to another—so we continue. Does the next fit in with that? A merveille! Good! We can proceed. This next little fact—no! Ah, that is curious! There is something missing—a link in the chain that is not there. We examine. We search. And that little curious fact, that possibly paltry little detail that will not tally, we put it here!” He made an extravagant gesture with his hand. “It is significant! It is tremendous!”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker)
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:

“Beware! Peril to the detective who says: ‘It is so small—it does not matter. It will not agree. I will forget it.’ That way lies confusion! Everything matters.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker)
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:

I had the utmost difficulty in controlling my excitement. Unknown to herself, Annie had provided us with an important piece of evidence. How she would have gaped if she had realized that her “coarse kitchen salt” was strychnine, one of the most deadly poisons known to mankind. I marvelled at Poirot’s calm. His self-control was astonishing. I awaited his next question with impatience, but it disappointed me.

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Hercule Poirot, Emily Inglethorp, Annie
Page Number: 54
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 5: “It Isn’t Strychnine, Is It?” Quotes

Everyone was assembled in the dining room. Under the circumstances, we were naturally not a cheerful party. The reaction after a shock is always trying, and I think we were suffering from it. Decorum and good breeding naturally enjoined that our demeanour should be much as usual, yet I could not help wondering if this self-control were really a matter of great difficulty. There were no red eyes, no signs of secretly indulged grief. I felt that I was right in my opinion that Dorcas was the person most affected by the personal side of the tragedy.

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Dorcas
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:

“You gave too much rein to your imagination. Imagination is a good servant, and a bad master. The simplest explanation is always the most likely.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings
Page Number: 81
Explanation and Analysis:

“I had forgotten that,” I said thoughtfully. “That is as enigmatical as ever. It seems incredible that a woman like Mrs. Cavendish, proud and reticent to the last degree should interfere so violently in what was certainly not her affair.”

“Precisely. […]”

“It is certainly curious,” I agreed. “Still, it is unimportant, and need not be taken into account.”

A groan burst from Poirot.

“What have I always told you? Everything must be taken into account. If the fact will not fit the theory—let the theory go.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Emily Inglethorp, Mary Cavendish
Page Number: 84-5
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 7: Poirot Pays His Debts Quotes

“Yes, yes, too conclusive,” continued Poirot, almost to himself. “Real evidence is usually vague and unsatisfactory. It has to be examined—sifted. But here the whole thing is cut and dried. No, my friend, this evidence has been very cleverly manufactured—so cleverly that it has defeated its own ends.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 106
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8: Fresh Suspicions Quotes

“Who put it in the chest, I wonder?”

“Someone with a good deal of intelligence,” remarked Poirot drily. “You realize that he chose the one place in the house to hide it where its presence would not be remarked? Yes, he is intelligent. But we must be more intelligent. We must be so intelligent that he does not suspect us of being intelligent at all.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker)
Page Number: 127
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10: The Arrest Quotes

“Because she cares for someone else, mon ami.”

“Oh!” What did he mean? In spite of myself, an agreeable warmth spread over me. I am not a vain man where women are concerned, but I remembered certain evidences, too lightly thought of at the time, perhaps, but which certainly seemed to indicate—

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Mary Cavendish, Dr. Bauerstein
Page Number: 153
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 11: The Case for the Prosecution Quotes

“I say, that’s playing it a bit low down,” I protested.

“Not all. We have to deal with a most clever and unscrupulous man, and we must use any means in our power—otherwise he will slip through our fingers. That is why I have been careful to remain in the background. All the discoveries have been made by Japp, and Japp will take all the credit. […]”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), John Cavendish, Mary Cavendish
Page Number: 169
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12: The Last Link Quotes

“Impossible!” I exclaimed. “She had only made it out that very afternoon!”

“Nevertheless, mon ami, it was Mrs. Inglethorp. Because, in no other way can you account for the fact that, on one of the hottest days of the year, Mrs. Inglethorp ordered a fire to be lighted in her room.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Emily Inglethorp, Mary Cavendish
Related Symbols: The Fire
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 189
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13: Poirot Explains Quotes

“Because, mon ami, it is the law of your country that a man once acquitted can never be tried again for the same offence. Aha! But it was clever—his idea! Assuredly, he is a man of method. See here, he knew that in his position he was bound to be suspected, so he conceived the exceedingly clever idea of preparing a lot of manufactured evidence against himself. He wished to be suspected. He wished to be arrested. He would then produce his irreproachable alibi—and, hey presto, he was safe for life!”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings, Alfred Inglethorp
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 200
Explanation and Analysis:
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Captain Arthur Hastings Quotes in The Mysterious Affair at Styles

The The Mysterious Affair at Styles quotes below are all either spoken by Captain Arthur Hastings or refer to Captain Arthur Hastings. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Logic and Deduction Theme Icon
Chapter 1: I Go to Styles Quotes

He had married two years ago, and had taken his wife to live at Styles, though I entertained a shrewd suspicion that he would have preferred his mother to increase his allowance, which would have enabled him to have a home of his own. [Emily Inglethorp], however, was a lady who liked to make her own plans, and expected other people to fall in with them, and in this case she certainly had the whip hand, namely: the purse strings.

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Emily Inglethorp, John Cavendish
Page Number: 4-5
Explanation and Analysis:

“[…] The fellow must be at least twenty years younger than she is! It’s simply barefaced fortune hunting; but there you are—she is her own mistress, and she’s married him.”

Related Characters: John Cavendish (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings, Emily Inglethorp, Alfred Inglethorp
Page Number: 5
Explanation and Analysis:

His watchful and attentive manner never varied. From the very first I took a firm and rooted dislike to him, and I flatter myself that my first judgements are usually fairly shrewd.

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Emily Inglethorp, Alfred Inglethorp
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:

“Like a good detective story myself,” remarked Miss Howard. “Lots of nonsense written, though. Criminal discovered in last chapter. Everyone dumbfounded. Real crime—you’d know at once.”

“There have been a great number of undiscovered crimes,” I argued.

“Don’t mean the police, but the people that are right in it. The family. You couldn’t really hoodwink them. They’d know.”

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Evelyn Howard (speaker)
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 10
Explanation and Analysis:

“Look after her, Mr. Hastings. My poor Emily. They’re a lot of sharks—all of them. Oh, I know what I’m talking about. There isn’t one of them that’s not hard up and trying to get money out of her. I’ve protected her as much as I could. Now I’m out of the way, they’ll impose upon her.”

Related Characters: Evelyn Howard (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings, Emily Inglethorp
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 2: The 16th and 17th of July Quotes

“If you people only knew how fatally easy it is to poison someone by mistake, you wouldn’t joke about it. Come on, let’s have tea. We’ve got all sorts of secret stores in that cupboard. No, Lawrence—that’s the poison cupboard. The big cupboard—that’s right.”

Related Characters: Cynthia Murdock (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings, Lawrence Cavendish
Page Number: 19
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3: The Night of the Tragedy Quotes

We went slowly down the stairs. I was violently excited. I have a certain talent for deduction, and Dr. Bauerstein’s manner had started a flock of wild surmises in my mind.

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Emily Inglethorp, Dr. Bauerstein
Page Number: 32
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 4: Poirot Investigates Quotes

“The mind is confused? Is it not so? Take time, mon ami. You are agitated; you are excited—it is but natural. Presently, when we are calmer, we will arrange the facts, neatly, each in his proper place. We will examine—and reject. Those of importance we will put on one side; those of no importance, pouf!”—he screwed up his cherublike face, and puffed comically enough—“blow them away!”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker)
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:

“[…] One fact leads to another—so we continue. Does the next fit in with that? A merveille! Good! We can proceed. This next little fact—no! Ah, that is curious! There is something missing—a link in the chain that is not there. We examine. We search. And that little curious fact, that possibly paltry little detail that will not tally, we put it here!” He made an extravagant gesture with his hand. “It is significant! It is tremendous!”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker)
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:

“Beware! Peril to the detective who says: ‘It is so small—it does not matter. It will not agree. I will forget it.’ That way lies confusion! Everything matters.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker)
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:

I had the utmost difficulty in controlling my excitement. Unknown to herself, Annie had provided us with an important piece of evidence. How she would have gaped if she had realized that her “coarse kitchen salt” was strychnine, one of the most deadly poisons known to mankind. I marvelled at Poirot’s calm. His self-control was astonishing. I awaited his next question with impatience, but it disappointed me.

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Hercule Poirot, Emily Inglethorp, Annie
Page Number: 54
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 5: “It Isn’t Strychnine, Is It?” Quotes

Everyone was assembled in the dining room. Under the circumstances, we were naturally not a cheerful party. The reaction after a shock is always trying, and I think we were suffering from it. Decorum and good breeding naturally enjoined that our demeanour should be much as usual, yet I could not help wondering if this self-control were really a matter of great difficulty. There were no red eyes, no signs of secretly indulged grief. I felt that I was right in my opinion that Dorcas was the person most affected by the personal side of the tragedy.

Related Characters: Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Dorcas
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:

“You gave too much rein to your imagination. Imagination is a good servant, and a bad master. The simplest explanation is always the most likely.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings
Page Number: 81
Explanation and Analysis:

“I had forgotten that,” I said thoughtfully. “That is as enigmatical as ever. It seems incredible that a woman like Mrs. Cavendish, proud and reticent to the last degree should interfere so violently in what was certainly not her affair.”

“Precisely. […]”

“It is certainly curious,” I agreed. “Still, it is unimportant, and need not be taken into account.”

A groan burst from Poirot.

“What have I always told you? Everything must be taken into account. If the fact will not fit the theory—let the theory go.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Emily Inglethorp, Mary Cavendish
Page Number: 84-5
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 7: Poirot Pays His Debts Quotes

“Yes, yes, too conclusive,” continued Poirot, almost to himself. “Real evidence is usually vague and unsatisfactory. It has to be examined—sifted. But here the whole thing is cut and dried. No, my friend, this evidence has been very cleverly manufactured—so cleverly that it has defeated its own ends.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 106
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8: Fresh Suspicions Quotes

“Who put it in the chest, I wonder?”

“Someone with a good deal of intelligence,” remarked Poirot drily. “You realize that he chose the one place in the house to hide it where its presence would not be remarked? Yes, he is intelligent. But we must be more intelligent. We must be so intelligent that he does not suspect us of being intelligent at all.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker)
Page Number: 127
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10: The Arrest Quotes

“Because she cares for someone else, mon ami.”

“Oh!” What did he mean? In spite of myself, an agreeable warmth spread over me. I am not a vain man where women are concerned, but I remembered certain evidences, too lightly thought of at the time, perhaps, but which certainly seemed to indicate—

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Mary Cavendish, Dr. Bauerstein
Page Number: 153
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 11: The Case for the Prosecution Quotes

“I say, that’s playing it a bit low down,” I protested.

“Not all. We have to deal with a most clever and unscrupulous man, and we must use any means in our power—otherwise he will slip through our fingers. That is why I have been careful to remain in the background. All the discoveries have been made by Japp, and Japp will take all the credit. […]”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), John Cavendish, Mary Cavendish
Page Number: 169
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12: The Last Link Quotes

“Impossible!” I exclaimed. “She had only made it out that very afternoon!”

“Nevertheless, mon ami, it was Mrs. Inglethorp. Because, in no other way can you account for the fact that, on one of the hottest days of the year, Mrs. Inglethorp ordered a fire to be lighted in her room.”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings (speaker), Emily Inglethorp, Mary Cavendish
Related Symbols: The Fire
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 189
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13: Poirot Explains Quotes

“Because, mon ami, it is the law of your country that a man once acquitted can never be tried again for the same offence. Aha! But it was clever—his idea! Assuredly, he is a man of method. See here, he knew that in his position he was bound to be suspected, so he conceived the exceedingly clever idea of preparing a lot of manufactured evidence against himself. He wished to be suspected. He wished to be arrested. He would then produce his irreproachable alibi—and, hey presto, he was safe for life!”

Related Characters: Hercule Poirot (speaker), Captain Arthur Hastings, Alfred Inglethorp
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 200
Explanation and Analysis: