The Return of the King


J. R. R. Tolkien

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Elrond is the Lord of Rivendell and Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen’s father. It’s his wisdom that urges Aragorn to consider taking the Paths of the Dead. After Aragorn claims kingship of Gondor, Elrond gives the hand of his daughter, Arwen, to Aragorn in marriage—meaning that Elrond and Arwen must permanently part ways upon Elrond’s voyage on the ship from Middle-earth. He is one of the bearers of the Three Rings, and, like Galadriel and Gandalf, his power begins to fade when the One Ring is destroyed.
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Elrond Character Timeline in The Return of the King

The timeline below shows where the character Elrond appears in The Return of the King. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 5, Chapter 2 
Power, Wisdom, and Mercy Theme Icon
War, Greed, and Nature Theme Icon
Elrohir, who is riding with the Dúnedain, brings a message from his father, Elrond, to Aragorn: he should “remember the Paths of the Dead.” Aragorn says he’ll only go... (full context)
Book 5, Chapter 9
Hope vs. Despair Theme Icon
Loyalty, Love, and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Aragorn concurs with Gandalf, but he allows the other captains to choose whether to follow. Elrond’s sons agree to the plan. Imrahil does too, but as the acting Steward of Gondor,... (full context)
Book 6, Chapter 5
Hope vs. Despair Theme Icon
Loyalty, Love, and Sacrifice Theme Icon
...The Elves arrive, headed by Elladan and Elrohir and joined by others including Galadriel and Elrond. Beside Elrond is Arwen. Frodo exclaims that she, the “Evenstar,” has come to make the... (full context)
Book 6, Chapter 6
Loyalty, Love, and Sacrifice Theme Icon prepares to ride again, but Arwen stays behind at Edoras. Her final parting with Elrond is incredibly painful: they will never see each other again. Éowyn gives Merry an ancient... (full context)
Loyalty, Love, and Sacrifice Theme Icon for a while so that Galadriel and Celeborn can take their time conversing with Elrond and Gandalf about the past and the future. Eventually, Galadriel and Celeborn head into the... (full context)
Power, Wisdom, and Mercy Theme Icon
...papers and arrange them into more of an order. On the day the hobbits leave, Elrond tells Frodo in private that he won’t have any need to return to Rivendell to... (full context)
Book 6, Chapter 9
Loyalty, Love, and Sacrifice Theme Icon
...a different song from a group approaching along the road. Sam is surprised to see Elrond and Galadriel in the group. They are each wearing one of the Three Rings. Bilbo... (full context)