The Shipping News

The Shipping News


Annie Proulx

Benny Fudge Character Analysis

Benny Fudge is a reporter for the Gammy Bird. When Quoyle arrives in Newfoundland, Benny is one of the paper’s two restaurant critics, but when Quoyle is promoted to managing editor, Benny gets reassigned to cover car accidents. He’s a skilled knitter and spends all his free time in the newsroom knitting various things.
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Benny Fudge Character Timeline in The Shipping News

The timeline below shows where the character Benny Fudge appears in The Shipping News. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 35: The Day’s Work 
Redemption, Courage, and Happiness Theme Icon
Modernity Theme Icon
...tries to project confidence on his first day as managing editor. He checks in with Benny Fudge , who’s been recently reassigned from restaurant critic to cover Nutbeem’s sexual assault and court-reporting... (full context)
Chapter 37: Slingstones
Resilience and Survival Theme Icon
Modernity Theme Icon
When he’s not working on his stories, Benny Fudge sits at his desk in the Gammy Bird office and knits up a storm. This... (full context)