The Testaments


Margaret Atwood

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The Wall Symbol Icon

The Wall encircles the city in which the story is set and functions as a symbol of Gilead’s authoritarian power and control over its citizens. The Wall’s representation works both physically and psychologically. Physically, the Wall makes it far more difficult for people to escape from the city, since they are enclosed and must either climb it or pass through multiple Angel checkpoints to make their escape. Psychologically, the Wall is a constant reminder of Gilead’s threat of severe punishment, since executed criminals are often hung from the Wall and left there for the public to see. The Wall’s physical enclosure is thus reinforced by the psychological enclosure Gilead inflicts upon its citizens, threatening such extreme punishment that people are kept in a constant state of fear, too afraid to question Gilead’s right to rule or speak out about its injustices.

When Nicole, posing with Agnes as a Pearl Girl, escapes to Canada, Aunt Lydia tells Helena that she must’ve climbed the Wall. Although this is technically a lie, since Nicole passed through the gates and the checkpoints in disguise, symbolically it is the truth: Nicole has managed to overcome both the physical and mental confines of Gilead and is running toward freedom in Canada, armed with Lydia’s damning cache of information about Gilead’s injustices.

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The Wall Symbol Timeline in The Testaments

The timeline below shows where the symbol The Wall appears in The Testaments. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 12: The Ardua Hall Holograph
Religious Totalitarianism and Hypocrisy Theme Icon
Gender Roles Theme Icon
Truth, Knowledge, and Power Theme Icon not like to be challenged and often hang potential threats to their rule from the Wall . However, Lydia knows too much—she is an invaluable asset for managing the woman’s half... (full context)
Chapter 13: Transcript of Witness Testimony 369A
Religious Totalitarianism and Hypocrisy Theme Icon
Gender Roles Theme Icon
Truth, Knowledge, and Power Theme Icon
...with a kitchen skewer. The Handmaid reportedly fled, but was caught, killed, and hung on the Wall for all to see. Paula claimed that the Handmaid spontaneously went insane and killed her... (full context)
Chapter 19
Religious Totalitarianism and Hypocrisy Theme Icon
Gender Roles Theme Icon
Shame, Fear, and Repression Theme Icon
...share amongst themselves. Some of those songs are made into games about hanging Handmaids on the Wall , and one of them lists off the many crimes a Handmaid could commit in... (full context)
Chapter 60: Transcript of Witness Testimony 369A
Truth, Knowledge, and Power Theme Icon
Choice Theme Icon
...will write a note claiming that she eloped with a maintenance man and escaped over the Wall to buy them some time. (full context)
Chapter 65: The Ardua Hall Holograph
Religious Totalitarianism and Hypocrisy Theme Icon
Gender Roles Theme Icon
Choice Theme Icon
...Lydia surmises that as young and strong as Jade was, she most likely climbed over the Wall . (full context)