Waiting for the Barbarians


J. M. Coetzee

Conscripted by the magistrate to accompany him on his expedition to deliver the barbarian girl back to her people, the two soldiers ultimately serve an integral role in the magistrate’s incrimination. When they return from the trip, they both make statements to Mandel accusing the magistrate of consorting with the barbarians.
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The Two Soldiers Character Timeline in Waiting for the Barbarians

The timeline below shows where the character The Two Soldiers appears in Waiting for the Barbarians. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
The Empire and Fear of the Other Theme Icon
Truth, Power, and Recorded Reputation Theme Icon
History and Time Theme Icon
Independence, Duty, and Betrayal Theme Icon
...up trying to write it, and gathers three men to assist him on his journey: two young soldiers and an older hunter and horseman as a guide. They depart on the third of... (full context)
The Empire and Fear of the Other Theme Icon
Truth, Power, and Recorded Reputation Theme Icon
History and Time Theme Icon
As the group retraces their route, one of the two soldiers contracts an infection on his foot, and the magistrate scolds him for not changing his... (full context)