

Yevgeny Zamyatin

R-13 Character Analysis

R-13 is a poet and D-503’s friend. They share O-90 as a sexual partner, and the three of them exist as a harmonious triangle at the beginning of We. Once I-330 seduces D-503, however, their triangle quickly disintegrates as D-503 becomes jealous of R-13, with whom I-330 is also intimately involved. Like S-4711 and I-330, R-13 is involved with MEPHI, though D-503 is unaware of this. R-13 performs his duties to the One State, writing poetry that praises the beauty of math and logic, but he also harbors disdain for the One State’s condemnation of individuality and artistic expression.

R-13 Quotes in We

The We quotes below are all either spoken by R-13 or refer to R-13. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Record 8 Quotes

“Oh come on—knowledge! This knowledge of yours is utter cowardice. Yes, that’s it—really. You just want to build a little wall around infinity—and you’re afraid to look behind it! Peek over it and you’ll have to squeeze your eyes shut—ha!”

Related Characters: R-13 (speaker), D-503, I-330, O-90
Page Number: 37
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R-13 Quotes in We

The We quotes below are all either spoken by R-13 or refer to R-13. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Record 8 Quotes

“Oh come on—knowledge! This knowledge of yours is utter cowardice. Yes, that’s it—really. You just want to build a little wall around infinity—and you’re afraid to look behind it! Peek over it and you’ll have to squeeze your eyes shut—ha!”

Related Characters: R-13 (speaker), D-503, I-330, O-90
Page Number: 37
Explanation and Analysis:
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