Two identical twins bearing the same name, Antipholus--and their servants, also identical twins sharing the name Dromio--are separated. Naturally, confusion ensues when Antipholus and Dromio of Ephesus make landfall in Syracuse, a city which the other Antipholus and Dromio call home. As gold is exchanged and poor Adriana can’t tell which Antipholus twin is her husband, the two Dromios meet. Comic hijinks ensue in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors until the twins are reunited with their father, and a nun who makes a shocking revelation that will change their family forever. The Shakescleare modern English translation of the play makes it easy to understand The Comedy of Errors’ tricky plot twists and important quotes, like “they say every why hath a wherefore.”
Dan Rubins is currently completing his MA in Shakespeare Studies from King's College London/Shakespeare's Globe and will be pursuing an MA in Elementary Inclusive Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. He holds a BA in English from Yale University. His Masters dissertation focuses on announcements of death in early modern drama, and other research areas of interest include Shakespeare in transformative contexts (prisons, schools, etc.) and rhyme in Shakespeare's dramatic texts. In addition to teaching and learning, he also writes theatre reviews (often of Shakespeare productions), composes musical theatre (frequently with Shakespearean inspirations), and sings in choirs (occasionally in Shakespearean choral settings).