As You Like It


William Shakespeare

As You Like It Quotes

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Act 1, Scene 1 Quotes

My father charged you in his will to give me good education: you have trained me like a peasant, obscuring and hiding from me all gentlemanlike qualities. The spirit of my father grows strong in me, and I will no longer endure it.

Related Characters: Orlando (speaker), Oliver
Page Number: 1.1.65-70
Explanation and Analysis:

I hope I shall see an end of him; for my soul, yet I know not why, hates nothing more than he. Yet he’s gentle, never schooled and yet learned, full of noble device, of all sorts enchantingly beloved.

Related Characters: Oliver (speaker), Orlando
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 1.1.161-165
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 1, Scene 2 Quotes

The more pity that fools may not speak wisely what wise men do foolishly.

Related Characters: Touchstone (speaker)
Page Number: 1.2.85-86
Explanation and Analysis:

What passion hangs these weights upon my tongue? I cannot speak to her, yet she urged conference.

Related Characters: Orlando (speaker), Rosalind
Page Number: 1.2.258-259
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 1, Scene 3 Quotes

Come, come, wrestle with thy affections.

Related Characters: Celia (speaker), Rosalind
Page Number: 1.3.21
Explanation and Analysis:

Let’s away and get our jewels and our wealth together, devise the fittest time and safest way to hide us from pursuit that will be made after my flight. Now we go in content to liberty, and not to banishment.

Related Characters: Celia (speaker), Rosalind
Page Number: 1.3.140-145
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 1 Quotes

Are not these woods more free from peril than the envious court? Here feel we not the penalty of Adam.

Related Characters: Duke Senior (speaker)
Page Number: 2.2.3-5
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 3 Quotes

Poor old man, thou prun’st a rotten tree that cannot so much as a blossom yield in lieu of all thy pains and husbandry. But come thy ways, we’ll go along together.

Related Characters: Orlando (speaker), Adam
Page Number: 2.3.64-67
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 4 Quotes

O, thou didst then never love so heartily! If thou rememb’rest not the slightest folly that ever love did make thee run into, thou hast not loved.

Related Characters: Silvius (speaker), Phebe
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 2.4.32
Explanation and Analysis:

We that are true lovers run into strange capers; but as all is mortal in nature, so is all nature in love mortal in folly.

Related Characters: Touchstone (speaker)
Page Number: 2.4.53-55
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 5 Quotes

I can suck melancholy out of a song as a weasel sucks eggs.

Related Characters: Jaques (speaker)
Page Number: 2.5.12-13
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 7 Quotes

When I did hear the motley fool thus moral on the time, my lungs began to crow like chanticleer that fools should be so deep contemplative.

Related Characters: Jaques (speaker), Touchstone
Page Number: 2.5.29-32
Explanation and Analysis:

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.

Related Characters: Jaques (speaker)
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 2.7.146-150
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 3, Scene 2 Quotes

Run, run, Orlando, carve on every tree the fair, the chaste, and unexpressive she.

Related Characters: Orlando (speaker), Rosalind
Related Symbols: Orlando’s Poems
Page Number: 3.2.9-10
Explanation and Analysis:

O wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful, and yet again wonderful, and after that, out of all whooping!

Related Characters: Celia (speaker)
Related Symbols: Orlando’s Poems
Page Number: 3.2.195-197
Explanation and Analysis:

Then there is no true lover in the forest, else sighing every minute and groaning every hour would detect the lazy foot of Time as well as a clock.

Related Characters: Rosalind (speaker)
Related Symbols: Ganymede
Page Number: 3.2.307-310
Explanation and Analysis:

Love is merely a madness, and, I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as madmen do; and the reason why they are not so punished and cured is that the lunacy is so ordinary that the whippers are in love too. Yet I profess curing it by counsel.

Related Characters: Rosalind (speaker), Orlando
Related Symbols: Ganymede
Page Number: 3.2.407-412
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 3, Scene 5 Quotes

O, for shame, for shame, lie not, to say mine eyes are murderers. Now show the wound mine eye hath made in thee.

Related Characters: Phebe (speaker), Silvius
Page Number: 3.5.19-21
Explanation and Analysis:

Dead shepherd, now I find thy saw of might, “Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?”

Related Characters: Phebe (speaker), Rosalind, Silvius
Related Symbols: Ganymede
Page Number: 3.5.86-87
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 4, Scene 1 Quotes

Nay, you were better speak first, and when you were graveled for lack of matter, you might take occasion to kiss. Very good orators, when they are out, they will spit; and for lovers, lacking – God warn us! – matter, the cleanliest shift is to kiss.

Related Characters: Rosalind (speaker), Orlando
Related Symbols: Ganymede
Page Number: 4.1.77-82
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 4, Scene 2 Quotes

Twice did he turn his back and purposed so; but kindness, nobler ever than revenge, and nature, stronger than his just occasion, made him give battle to the lioness.

Related Characters: Oliver (speaker), Orlando
Page Number: 4.2.155-158
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 5, Scene 2 Quotes

Your brother and my sister no sooner met but they looked; no sooner looked but they loved; no sooner loved but they sighed; no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason; no sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy; and in these degrees have they made a pair of stairs to marriage.

Related Characters: Rosalind (speaker), Orlando, Oliver, Celia
Page Number: 5.2.33-39
Explanation and Analysis:

[To Orlando] As you love Rosalind, meet. [To Silvius] As you love Phebe, meet. And as I love no woman, I’ll meet. So fare you well.

Related Characters: Rosalind (speaker), Orlando, Silvius, Phebe
Related Symbols: Ganymede
Page Number: 5.3.124-126
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 5, Scene 4 Quotes

Peace ho! I bar confusion; ‘Tis I must make conclusion of these most strange events. Here’s eight that must take hands to join in Hymen’s bands, if truth holds true contents.

Related Characters: Hymen (speaker)
Page Number: 5.4.130-135
Explanation and Analysis:

Play, music, and you brides and bridegrooms all, with measure heaped in joy, to th’measures fall.

Related Characters: Duke Senior (speaker)
Page Number: 5.4.184-185
Explanation and Analysis:
No matches.