

Madeline Miller

Oceanos Character Analysis

Oceanos is the Titan god of the fresh water and is god of the fresh-water river that the ancient Greeks believed circled the Earth. Oceanos is Perses’s father and Helios’s cousin. When Helios expresses interest in Perse, Oceanos offers her to him, telling him that “She is [his] if [he] want[s] her.” His indifference toward Perse’s feelings on the matter demonstrates the misogyny of ancient Greece. His daughter is simply an object to give away to other men.
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Oceanos Character Timeline in Circe

The timeline below shows where the character Oceanos appears in Circe. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Women, Power, and Misogyny Theme Icon
Circe’s father, Helios, is a Titan. Perse met him through her own father, Oceanos. As Oceanos’s cousin, Helios frequently visited his palace, which is where he first saw Perse.... (full context)
Chapter 5
Women, Power, and Misogyny Theme Icon
Change, Initiative, and the Self Theme Icon
Mortality, Fragility, and Fulfillment Theme Icon
Hoping to marry Glaucos at last, Circe introduces him to Helios and Oceanos. She helps him dress up and kindly instructs him how to behave with these powerful... (full context)