

Madeline Miller

Phaethousa Character Analysis

Phaethousa is one of Helios’s daughters and Circe’s half-sister. Like her sister Lampetia, Phaethousa is a caretaker of Helios’s sacred cattle. She is also obsessed with perfection and encourages Circe to hide the streakiness of her hair. Circe’s unique hair is a detriment because it is different from the other gods’, whose perfection leaves them all looking the same.
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Phaethousa Character Timeline in Circe

The timeline below shows where the character Phaethousa appears in Circe. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Power, Fear, and Self-Preservation Theme Icon
Family and Individuality Theme Icon
...his chariot across the sky. When they arrive at the pasture, Circe’s half-sisters, Lampetia and Phaethousa, are there. Two of Helios’s most beautiful daughters, they are caretakers of the cows. With... (full context)
Family and Individuality Theme Icon
The cows are pure white and perfect, with gilded horns and gleaming coats. Lampetia and Phaethousa (whom Circe struggles to tell apart) try to teach Circe the names of the cows... (full context)