

J. M. Coetzee

Elaine Winter Character Analysis

The chair of David’s department. Elaine is present when David is first summoned to Aram Hakim’s office to discuss Melanie’s sexual harassment complaint. Coetzee notes that Elaine has “never liked” David, seeing him as “a hangover from the past, the sooner cleared away the better.” It is perhaps partially because of Elaine’s presence in this meeting that David feels so incapable of maintaining his temper.
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Elaine Winter Character Timeline in Disgrace

The timeline below shows where the character Elaine Winter appears in Disgrace. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5
Desire and Power Theme Icon
...Vice-Rector’s office, where Aram Hakim—the Vice-Rector—welcomes him. Inside, David finds the chair of his department, Elaine Winter , and the chair of the university’s “committee on discrimination,” Farodia Rassool. As he takes... (full context)