

Marilynne Robinson

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Gilead makes teaching easy.

Rev. John Ames

John Ames, a 76-year-old minister in Gilead, Iowa, is the novel’s protagonist. Gilead consists of John’s letters to his nearly seven-year-old son, who will still be very young when John dies; John is already… read analysis of Rev. John Ames

John’s Son (The Boy)

John and Lila’s son is the recipient of the letters that make up Gilead. He is about seven years old when the novel begins, and his name is never revealed, since John always… read analysis of John’s Son (The Boy)

Lila (John’s Wife)

Lila is John’s second wife and the mother of their son. Addressing his son, John usually refers to her as “your mother”; her name is only revealed when Jack addresses her as Lila… read analysis of Lila (John’s Wife)

John’s Father

John’s father was also named the Reverend John Ames, and he, too, was a minister. He was married to Martha Turner Ames. He had a contentious relationship with his own father, John’s grandfatherread analysis of John’s Father

John’s Grandfather

John’s grandfather, like John’s father, was also named the Reverend John Ames, and he, too, was a minister. He was married to Margaret Todd Ames. He was borne in Maine and moved… read analysis of John’s Grandfather
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Jack (John Ames) Boughton

Jack is Boughton’s most beloved child and John’s namesake. Knowing John might not have children, Boughton intended that Jack and John would have a kind of father-son relationship (Jack even called John “Papa”… read analysis of Jack (John Ames) Boughton

Rev. Robert Boughton

Boughton is Gilead’s retired Presbyterian minister, a widower, and John’s lifelong best friend. John’s main confidant throughout his life, Boughton came over regularly during John’s solitary years so that they could work on their… read analysis of Rev. Robert Boughton

John’s Mother (Martha Turner Ames)

John’s mother was a minister’s wife and homemaker. Overall, John writes less about the women in his family than the men, though it’s clear he loved and respected his mother, and he recognizes the… read analysis of John’s Mother (Martha Turner Ames)

John’s Grandmother (Margaret Todd Ames)

John’s grandmother was married to his fiery, unpredictable minister grandfather. She was very sick when her husband went off to fight in the Civil War, leaving her behind with many children. John’s fatherread analysis of John’s Grandmother (Margaret Todd Ames)


Louisa was John’s first wife. They grew up together in Gilead and got married while John was in seminary. Louisa died soon after giving birth to her and John’s only child, Rebecca. Though… read analysis of Louisa

Edward Ames

Edward is John’s older brother, 10 years his senior. A philosophy professor trained in Germany, Edward became an atheist and introduced John to Feuerbach’s writings in an attempt to jolt John out of his… read analysis of Edward Ames

Della Miles

Della is Jack Boughton’s wife. A young Black woman and prominent minister’s daughter, she used to be a teacher in St. Louis, where she and Jack met by chance one day and befriended each… read analysis of Della Miles
Minor Characters
Rebecca (Angeline)
Rebecca was John and Louisa’s only child. She died within hours of birth, and Boughton baptized her before John got home, naming her Angeline. John nearly always refers to her by the name he and Louisa had chosen for her, Rebecca.
Glory is Boughton’s daughter who lives with him after the recent failure of her marriage. She has always loved, defended, and protected her brother Jack.
Tobias Schmidt
Tobias is John’s son’s closest friend. John describes him as a “freckly little Lutheran.” Tobias’s father is rather strict.
Robert Boughton Miles
Robert is Jack and Della’s son.