Minor Characters
Lonny Zone
A pimp who lives and works in Chiba.
Lupus Yonderboy
The leader of the Panther Moderns.
A member of the Turkish secret-police and a one-time collaborator with Armitage, Case, the Finn, and Molly. He helps them track down Riviera, but later turns the group over to the Turing Police.
A pilot and Zionite.
A young woman in Freeside. She and her partner Bruce supply Case with drugs. She is sexually and/or romantically interested in Case, but he rebuffs her advances.
A young man in Freeside. He and his partner Cath supply Case with drugs.
One of Case’s ex girlfriends, with whom he lived one summer when he was fifteen.
Marlene’s on-again off-again boyfriend.
A cloned ninja assassin who works for the Tessier-Ashpool family. Hideo is incredibly deadly, incredibly efficient, and incredibly loyal.
Three French Teenagers
Three teens who are in fact Michéle, Roland, and Pierre—Turing Police in disguise.
A member of the Turing Police. Killed by Wintermute after she tries to arrest Case. Initially disguised as one of the three French teenagers.
A member of the Turing Police. Killed by Wintermute after he tries to arrest Case. Initially disguised as one of the three French teenagers.
A member of the Turing Police. Killed by Wintermute after he tries to arrest Case. Initially disguised as one of the three French teenagers.
A burglar who stole the Tessier-Ashpool family’s automaton head and sold it to Smith. Murdered by Hideo in retaliation.
A dealer and friend of the Finn’s. He acquired the Tessier-Ashpool’s automaton head from Jimmy, but was forced to return it to Hideo before he could rehome it with a collector.
Founders of Zion
Also referred to as the Elders of Zion. Although only two have survived, there were originally five, all of whom had been Rastafarians and construction workers on Freeside, who defected and decided to build their own colony.
One of Ratz’s employees at the Chat.
A young man who Molly goes to see in order to get in touch with the Panther Moderns.