Something Wicked This Way Comes


Ray Bradbury

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Something Wicked This Way Comes: Chapter 36 Summary & Analysis

Outside the cigar shop, Mr. Dark drops to his knees and examines the metal grille, looking down to the littered candy and gum wrappers below. “Lose something,” Mr. Tetley asks. The shop owner tells the stranger that he cleans the grate monthly. “How much you lose? Dime? Quarter? Half dollar?” As Mr. Dark looks up, Mr. Tetley’s cash register pings: “NO SALE.”
Mr. Dark and the freaks’ supernatural powers mean that they have discovered Will and Jim’s hiding spot. But as Mr. Tetley’s cash register pings “NO SALE,” it reflects the fact that the boys have already moved on, and Mr. Dark can’t have their souls just yet.
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