Something Wicked This Way Comes


Ray Bradbury

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Something Wicked This Way Comes Characters

Will Halloway

Jim Nightshade’s best friend and Charles Halloway’s son. Will is the protagonist of Something Wicked This Way Comes, and he serves as the personification of good throughout the novel. He is nearly… read analysis of Will Halloway

Jim Nightshade

Will Halloway’s best friend and Mrs. Nightshade’s son. Jim was born one minute after midnight on Halloween, and he is described as a boy with hair the color of “dark autumn chestnuts” and… read analysis of Jim Nightshade

Charles Halloway

Will Halloway’s father. Charles is fifty-four years old, and he considers himself way too old be the father of a fourteen-year-old boy. He is described as an “old” and “ancient” man, and even the… read analysis of Charles Halloway

Mr. Dark / The Illustrated Man / Jed

Mr. Cooger’s partner and one of the proprietors of Cooger and Dark’s Pandemonium Shadow Show. He is also the leader of the sideshow freaks and serves as the show’s Illustrated Man. Mr. Dark is… read analysis of Mr. Dark / The Illustrated Man / Jed

Mr. Cooger / Robert / Mr. Electrico

Mr. Dark’s partner and one of the proprietors of Cooger and Dark’s Pandemonium Shadow Show. Mr. Cooger is first introduced as a forty-year-old man, but after riding the carnival’s carousel backward, he is transformed… read analysis of Mr. Cooger / Robert / Mr. Electrico
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Miss Foley / Aunt Willa

Will and Jim’s seventh-grade teacher and Robert’s aunt. Miss Foley is described as “a little woman lost somewhere in her gray fifties,” and she “loves carnivals.” Miss Foley is terrified after she walks… read analysis of Miss Foley / Aunt Willa

The Dust Witch

A member of Cooger and Dark’s Pandemonium Shadow Show and Mr. Dark’s most powerful and dangerous freak. The Dust Witch is “blind, but special blind,” and while she can’t exactly read thoughts, she is… read analysis of The Dust Witch

Tom Fury / The Dwarf

A traveling lightning-rod salesman who comes to Green Town the night before the carnival arrives. Mr. Fury gives Jim a lightning rod for free and instructs him to attach it to his roof immediately or… read analysis of Tom Fury / The Dwarf

Will’s Mother / Mrs. Halloway

Will’s mother is never given a name in Something Wicked this Way Comes, but she is described as a “good Christian” who is ten years younger than her husband, Charles. Her youth… read analysis of Will’s Mother / Mrs. Halloway

Mr. Crosetti

Green Town’s barber. Mr. Crosetti suffers an attack of nostalgia when he smells cotton candy in the air before the arrival of Cooger and Dark’s Pandemonium Shadow Show, and Will fears that Mr. Crosetti has… read analysis of Mr. Crosetti

Mr. Tetley

The owner of the United Cigar Shop in Green Town. Mr. Tetley hears faint calliope music in the air the night before the carnival arrives in Green Town, and the iron grille under which Willread analysis of Mr. Tetley

Jim’s Mother / Mrs. Nightshade

Jim’s mother is also not named, and she is rarely mentioned in the novel. She is the mother of three children, but sadly, Jim is her only surviving child. It is implied that Jim’s… read analysis of Jim’s Mother / Mrs. Nightshade