The Shining


Stephen King

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The Shining: Chapter 25 Summary & Analysis

It snows every day now, and the temperature, especially at night, is frigid. Whenever the sun shines, Jack, Wendy, and Danny make it a point to get outside, and they have been having a good time pulling each other around on Danny’s sled. They even see a herd of caribou crossing the highway, and Wendy thinks to herself that the road belongs to the caribou now until spring. After the caribou sighting, Wendy goes to the kitchen to make lunch and cries, thinking about the wasps’ nest left under the Pyrex bowl to freeze. Jack is teaching Danny to snowshoe, but Wendy hates it. The snowshoes make her ankles ache, but Jack says Danny will be a pro in no time.
In addition to the snow, the Torrances are also confined and limited by the cold. Even if Wendy could get past the snow to escape the hotel, the frigid winter temperatures are just as deadly, which only worsens her feelings of isolation and seclusion. Wendy cries thinking about the wasps’ nest freezing under the Pyrex bowl because that is how she feels at the hotel—like she and Danny are trapped and slowly dying.
Isolation and Insanity Theme Icon
One overcast day, Wendy sits in front of the fire knitting a scarf, and Jack goes down in the basement to check the boiler. He has become obsessive about checking the boiler, and it gives him an excuse to go through more boxes. As Jack digs in the old boxes, wiping at his mouth, he looks insane. He pulls out a different box and finds it full of oddities, such as dismembered dolls and an old letter still smelling of perfume. The letter is from 1934 and mentions something about bad dreams. Jack thinks that the contents of the boxes are like pieces to a puzzle that he must fit together.
The boiler is symbolic of Jack’s “creeping” insanity and rage, and every time he goes into the basement, he slips further into madness, as evidenced by his crazy-looking appearance as he digs through the boxes. The letter from 1934 and the mention of dreams suggests that the Overlook Hotel has been evil for most, if not all, of its existence. The letter is also another example of multiple eras converging into one. Reading the letter in 1975 gives Jack a taste of living in 1934—it even still smells of perfume.  
Isolation and Insanity Theme Icon
Alcoholism and Abuse Theme Icon
Time Theme Icon
As Jack digs in the basement, Danny stands outside of room 217 with the skeleton key in his pocket. He didn’t want to come to the room, not after the incident with the fire hose, but he is curious. After all, Hallorann said he didn’t think the hotel could hurt Danny. When Danny saw blood on the walls of the Presidential Suite, he closed his eyes and it went away, and when he walked by the fire hose on the way to room 217, it was harmless. If Danny goes into the room now and nothing happens, it will prove that the hotel can’t hurt him.
Again, Danny stands in front of the room almost daring it to hurt him, just like Jack walking through the center of the animal topiaries. Danny attempts to overcome his fear of the hotel by proving it can’t hurt him—whether this is accurate or not remains to be seen.
Fear, the Paranormal, and Reality Theme Icon
Precognition, Second Sight, and the Shining Theme Icon
When Danny passed the fire house in the hall, he stopped to touch the brass nozzle. He poked at the hose and dared it to get him, but it just sat there. The hose couldn’t hurt him, and neither can room 217. Danny reaches into his pocket and produces the key, sliding it into the lock. The door opens easily, without noise, and Danny flips on the light switch. The room is large, and the bathroom door is slightly ajar. Danny moves toward the bathroom door as if he is possessed, and opens it wide. The bathroom is large, too, and old-fashioned. There is a claw foot tub with the curtain drawn.
Again, Danny tries to overcome his fear by proving the hotel can’t hurt him. When he passes the fire hose, he stops and pokes at it, daring it to come after him. By assuming that the incident with the hose was only his imagination, Danny he gains the nerve to go into 217, since, he figures, that must be his imagination, too.
Fear, the Paranormal, and Reality Theme Icon
Precognition, Second Sight, and the Shining Theme Icon
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Danny walks to the bathtub and pulls back the curtain. Sitting in the tub is the ghost of room 217—a bloated and purple corpse—and Danny stands frozen, staring into her dead eyes. She smiles at him and begins to stand, and Danny backs up, preparing to run. He runs to the door, which is now closed, and runs directly into it. He bangs on the door and screams, but no sound comes from his mouth. The door isn’t locked, and Danny only needs to turn the knob, but he isn’t thinking clearly. With his mouth open in a silent scream, Danny hears Hallorann’s voice. “I don’t think they can hurt you,” Danny hears Hallorann say.
Danny is petrified of the ghost in room 217, just like Delores Vickery was. Under this level of extreme terror, Danny can hardly function. He can’t scream, and he can’t even manage to turn the doorknob and run, which underscores the profound effect fear can have on the body.
Fear, the Paranormal, and Reality Theme Icon
Precognition, Second Sight, and the Shining Theme Icon
As Danny thinks of Hallorann’s voice, he begins to calm down. Danny tells himself there is nothing there. He stands at the door for some time and realizes that the door isn’t locked. He goes to turn the doorknob, but the ghost of room 217 places her bloated and purple hands around his throat. Danny turns around and stares directly into her cold, dead eyes.
From this moment on, Danny enters into a whole new level of fear at the Overlook because he now knows that the hotel really can hurt him, contrary to Hallorann’s reassurance. When the ghost of 217 physically puts her hands on Danny, the threat is no longer just psychological, and this significantly increases Danny’s fear.
Fear, the Paranormal, and Reality Theme Icon
Precognition, Second Sight, and the Shining Theme Icon