The Shining


Stephen King

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The Shining: Chapter 38 Summary & Analysis

Down in Florida, Hallorann has been smelling oranges for at least a half hour. But since Hallorann is at a fruit and vegetable stand, he doesn’t really think much of it. It is December first, at precisely 4:30 p.m., EST. Hallorann is at the stand buying fruits and vegetables for the resort at which he’s working. He didn’t have to come to the stand himself, he could have sent one of his helpers, but he wanted to get out. There was a lawyer in town and Hallorann wanted to get a will. He went to the lawyer before the fruit stand, and had him draw up a will. Hallorann only has his car and about $9,000 in the bank, but he wants it to go to his sister in the event of his death.
Throughout the rest of the novel, King continuously mentions what time it is, often right down to the time zone, to underscore time’s relativity. It isn’t the same time for Hallorann that it is for Danny—even though it is the same moment—and King constantly draws attention to this. Hallorann’s sudden desire to get a will serves as a premonition of his death. Because of his shine, he subconsciously knows trouble is coming and is prepared.
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Hallorann isn’t sure why he chose today to get his will squared away. He has been putting it off for years, but at 60 years old, Hallorann has recently been feeling his mortality. He leaves the fruit stand after loading his fruits and vegetables into the car and speeds down the highway. The smell of oranges becomes stronger, and Hallorann worries the oranges he just bought might be going bad. Suddenly, Danny’s voice shoots through his head “with a .45 caliber scream.” Hallorann loses control of the car and narrowly misses an accident. He pulls into an A&W stand to catch his bearings and orders a root beer float.   
Hallorann is perhaps feeling his mortality because he will somehow become involved in what is about to happen at the Overlook, as per Danny’s most recent vision. This feeling is Hallorann’s shine; it might now be as strong or obvious as Danny’s, but it still gives him hints of the future. Danny’s shine, on the other hand, is incredibly strong, like a “.45 caliber” bullet all the way from Colorado.
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Sitting at the A&W stand, Hallorann thinks about Danny. There was obvious terror and panic in his voice. Hallorann looks at his arms. It is nearly 80 degrees, but he has goosebumps. He can’t believe he left Danny at the Overlook, shining like he does. Something bad was bound to happen, Hallorann thinks. As the server comes with Hallorann’s float, Hallorann is screeching out of the parking lot.
Hallorann’s fear all the way in Florida is a testament to how terrifying the Overlook Hotel is. Danny’s terror is so obvious and consuming, Hallorann has chills in 80 degree heat, nearly 2,000 miles away. 
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Hallorann tells his boss at the resort that his son has been shot and is in critical condition in Denver, Colorado, and he gives Hallorann three days off. As Hallorann is leaving the resort, he is struck again with the smell of oranges and Danny’s cries for help inside his head. Danny’s cries are so loud and powerful, Hallorann is thrown back against the side of the building, the will falling from his pocket. He picks up the envelope and suddenly realizes what it all means. He is having premonitions of his death. He wonders if he is really willing to die for three white people he doesn’t even know. But, Hallorann thinks, he knows Danny. Still, he wishes bitterly that this was all happening to someone else.
The fact that Hallorann and Danny can both shine imbues them with a special connection, not unlike family members. Hallorann’s premonition of his death could possibly be another example of how visions don’t always come true, since it’s unclear at this point whether or not he will be killed. As is the case with Danny’s visions, shining means only that one can see what might happen, not what will happen.
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Hallorann goes home to pack and thinks about Delores Vickery, a former maid at the Overlook. She had an experience in the hotel and said something about it to the other maids and even the guests. When Ullman found out, he fired her. Delores came to Hallorann in tears one day, not because she was fired, but because she saw Mrs. Massey’s dead and bloated corpse in the bathtub of room 217. Impossible, Hallorann had said. Mrs. Massey’s body was already removed. He never really liked Delores. She was young, about 23, and she shined a bit, although she didn’t know it.
Delores sees Mrs. Massey’s corpse in the bathtub of 217 because she can shine. Like Danny, she is more open to paranormal experiences because of her perceptiveness, thus she sees what others don’t. It is strange that Hallorann feels a connection to Danny on account of his shine, but not to Delores. In fact, Hallorann doesn’t even like Delores. It is difficult to imagine that Hallorann would risk his life to save Delores just because she can shine, suggesting that Halloran also feels a kind of paternalism toward Danny that contributes to his protectiveness of the young boy.
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Delores was a “lazy goof-off,” and she spent all her time smoking and reading in the linen closet. Of course, when Ullman did his rounds, she was always working hard, her cigarettes and magazines safely hidden away. Delores was so terrified after seeing Mrs. Massey’s corpse that she cared very little when Ullman fired her.
Delores knows when to look busy because she can shine. Her intuition tells her when Ullman is coming, and she puts her magazines away and goes to work.
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Hallorann doesn’t know why Delores came crying to him when she saw Mrs. Massey’s corpse, other than that a shine always knows a shine. He decided to check out the room himself. When he went into 217 that night, he expected to see Mrs. Massey’s corpse in the tub. He’d had other experiences at the hotel, like a recurring dream about some kind of costume party and shouts to “unmask.” A few times, he saw the hedge dog move outside, and he even had a terrifying experience in which he became trapped in the attic. He knew the guests had experiences, too. They checked out abruptly for seemingly no reason, and many kids refused to go to the playground.
Those who shine are repeatedly drawn to one another throughout the book. Delores is drawn to Hallorann because of the shining, just as Danny and Hallorann are drawn to each other. The fact that Hallorann has also had experiences related to the masquerade ball, topiaries, and playground further suggests that the Torrances’ paranormal experiences at the Overlook are not in their imaginations.
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Since Hallorann expected to see Mrs. Massey’s corpse, he wasn’t completely terrified. He was scared all right, but terror didn’t come until Mrs. Massey smiled at him and began to chase him. Now, Danny is alone and shining in the hotel. Hallorann finishes packing and looks at his watch: 5:30 p.m. He grabs an overcoat from the closet and scans the room, wondering if he is forgetting anything. Yes, he says. He goes to his dresser and grabs the will.
Hallorann suggests here that the fear induced by the Overlook, particularly by room 217, is on a whole other level. Hallorann knows the hotel is haunted before he goes into 217, and he expects to be scared. However, Hallorann is not prepared for the level of terror he feels when Mrs. Massey turns and comes for him, suggesting that even those who shine can be caught off guard and overwhelmed by paranormal forces.
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