The Silver Chair


C. S. Lewis

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The Silver Chair: Chapter 5 Summary & Analysis

Glimfeather and another owl transport Jill and Scrubb to a swampy area, where they introduce them to a Marsh-wiggle named Puddleglum. A Marsh-wiggle is a humanoid creature with especially long arms and legs, as well as webbed hands. Jill is exhausted and barely manages to stay awake throughout the entire process of meeting Puddleglum. She recalls falling asleep to Puddleglum telling her that she will have a hard time sleeping because of the damp conditions of his home, which is called a wigwam.
Marsh-wiggles are a fantastical creature created by Lewis, and they only appear in The Silver Chair (though Puddleglum’s name is mentioned in The Last Battle as well). Puddleglum—as his name suggests—is a pessimist whose gloomy statements are often immediately disproven. Here, Jill barely allows his negativity to sink in because she is too exhausted from her long journey.
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The following morning, Jill and Scrubb wake up and go looking for Puddleglum, who is fishing close to his wigwam. He is fishing for eels because he wants to make them eel stew for dinner, even though he does not think they will like it. Puddleglum thinks he will not manage to catch any eels, but he ends up with over a dozen, which he cooks into a stew.
Despite his pessimistic attitude, Puddleglum tends to succeed at whatever he puts his mind to, such as catching the eels. Jill and Scrubb quickly learn that the opposite of what Puddleglum says tends to be true. However, since the children tend to be overly trusting, Puddleglum’s pessimism and skepticism will prove useful.
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While the eels cook, Puddleglum asks Jill and Scrubb about their plans to find Prince Rilian. Puddleglum tells them that he intends to join them on their journey, though he is not confident they will get far. Jill says that they must start by looking for a ruined city of giants, which is one of the signs Aslan told her to look out for. Puddleglum suggests that they head north to a place called Ettinsmoor, the land of the giants, which could be dangerous.
Ettinsmoor is a distinct land from Narnia, which Aslan does not watch over or rule. As such, Jill, Scrubb, and Puddleglum will be more likely to meet creatures who do not abide by the mores and ethics of Narnia should they venture there. Despite Puddleglum’s skepticism, he is a creature of great courage and does not seem bothered to have to venture into Ettinsmoor.
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When Puddleglum’s stew is finished, Jill and Scrubb try it and find it is delicious. They eat their fill and then prepare for their journey, which they will embark on the following day. Puddleglum plans to carry food, blankets, a sword, and a bow. He also gives Scrubb a bow to use, in addition to a sword Scrubb brought from Cair Paravel. Meanwhile, Jill has only a knife to defend herself. That evening, everyone goes to bed early so they can wake up bright and early to begin their journey.
Without Puddleglum, Jill and Scrubb would be lost. Not only does he provide them with food and shelter, but he also gives them weapons and serves as their guide. Although Jill and Scrubb still have no idea what to expect from the journey ahead, they appear to be back on track, despite their near misstep.
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