The Time Traveler’s Wife


Audrey Niffenegger

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Celia is Ingrid’s best friend and an acquaintance of Henry. When Celia finds out Clare is dating Henry, she warns Clare that Henry broke Ingrid’s heart and often mistreats his romantic partners. She remains skeptical of Henry, but she is kind to Clare whenever their paths cross. Clare invites Celia to her and Henry’s wedding, and Celia attends despite Ingrid’s anger toward the situation. Celia also later attends the New Year’s Eve party that occurs on the last night of Henry’s life. At the party, she expresses her regret to Henry that his feet were amputated without pitying him, for which he is grateful.
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Celia Attley Character Timeline in The Time Traveler’s Wife

The timeline below shows where the character Celia Attley appears in The Time Traveler’s Wife. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Self-Love Theme Icon
...that night. After, Henry asks Gomez how he knows Ingrid. Gomez explains that he knows Celia Attley, Ingrid’s best friend. Henry asks how Ingrid tried to kill herself this time. Gomez... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon
When Clare takes a break from dancing, she finds Ingrid being consoled by a friend (Celia Attley) in the bathroom. The two women notice Clare, and the friend breaks away from... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
...wrong. She explains what Ingrid’s friend said in the bathroom; Henry identifies the friend as Celia Attley. He tells Clare that he and Ingrid were never engaged, although he did treat... (full context)
Chapter 11
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon
...a diner while she worries about Henry, who disappeared days ago. Just then, Ingrid’s friend Celia sees her in the window and decides to join her. Celia tells Clare she heard... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon
When Clare and Celia arrive together at the bar nearby, Ingrid is far less eager to include Clare. Celia... (full context)
Chapter 14
The Here and Now Theme Icon
...until Gomez cuts in. Henry goes to the bar, where he watches Clare dance with Celia Attley. He and Ben have a drink. Ben wonders aloud who Celia is, and Henry... (full context)
Chapter 41
The Here and Now Theme Icon
...recognizes the smell of Ingrid’s perfume. She is arriving home from a night out with Celia, whom she abruptly asks to leave when she finds Henry on her floor. Henry conjures... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
...explains that her family and doctor told him not to. Ingrid is also mad that Celia was invited to his wedding when she was not, but Henry reminds her that Clare... (full context)
Chapter 43
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
...people who haven’t seen him since his accident, he notices, regard him with pity. When Celia arrives, she is more straightforward and tells him she regrets seeing him in this state.... (full context)