The Time Traveler’s Wife


Audrey Niffenegger

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Jan “Gomez” Gomolinski Character Analysis

Gomez is Clare and Henry’s friend and Charisse’s husband. At the beginning of the novel, he is a lawyer who is passionate about leftist politics. Gomez is skeptical of Henry before he even meets him, having heard from their mutual friend Celia that he treats women poorly. The main reason for Gomez’s wariness of Henry, however, is his ongoing obsession with Clare. Despite dating Charisse for years and ultimately marrying her, his infatuation with Clare is apparent to everyone. Gomez is protective of Clare, calls her overly familiar pet names, and touches her freely. Later in the novel, it’s revealed that Gomez and Clare had sex before Clare met Henry in the novel’s present, though Clare regretted it immediately. Gomez and Henry later become friends after Henry reveals the truth of his condition to Gomez. Gomez provides indispensable help to Henry through multiple time-traveling incidents. He and Charisse support Henry and Clare when they struggle with their miscarriages, when Henry’s time traveling results in injuries such as the loss of his feet, and when Henry dies. Over the course of the book, Gomez has three children with Charisse and becomes a local government official. Gomez propositions Clare and has sex with her once after Henry’s death, though he gives up his pursuit of her when she says Henry’s name during sex.
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Jan “Gomez” Gomolinski Character Timeline in The Time Traveler’s Wife

The timeline below shows where the character Jan “Gomez” Gomolinski appears in The Time Traveler’s Wife. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon nervous about attending dinner at Clare’s apartment with her roommate Charisse and Charisse’s boyfriend, Gomez; he has yet to see Clare’s place or meet her friends. When Henry arrives, he... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Self-Love Theme Icon
As Henry cooks, Clare notices Gomez chain smoking, getting increasingly tipsy, and making fun of Henry behind his back. He stops... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
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Back at the table, Henry watches Gomez smoke and wonders what it is about him that bothers him. Henry realizes he knows... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon 36). Henry is brawling with a man who addressed him with a homophobic slur. Gomez appears beside Henry. Henry pauses, and Gomez tells him that the man on the sidewalk... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Gomez comments on Henry’s attire, which includes pink sneakers and a sweater with yellow duckies. Henry... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
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Once they are seated at their table, Gomez asks Henry if he minds him smoking. Henry does, but he gives him permission to... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Self-Love Theme Icon
Gomez waits silently as Henry eats. This Henry, visiting from the future, knows that Gomez will... (full context)
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
Self-Love Theme Icon
Gomez still struggles to believe the truth about Henry’s time travels, so Henry encourages him to... (full context)
Love and Absence Theme Icon 20). Clare arrives home from a night spent having sex with Henry. She finds Gomez smoking alone in her apartment. Clare is angry at him still for dinner weeks ago.... (full context)
Chapter 12
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon
...waits in a rundown neighborhood for his friend Ben to come home. He runs into Gomez, who is there as a lawyer helping a client. Ben arrives soon after, and Henry... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
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Self-Love Theme Icon
...another morphine-based endorphin stabilizing drug, which he takes immediately. Henry leaves Ben’s house and finds Gomez waiting for him outside. Gomez offers him a ride home. Noticing that Henry is high,... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
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Self-Love Theme Icon
While Henry sleeps in Clare’s bedroom, Clare sits in the kitchen with Gomez. She thanks him for helping Henry, and Gomez responds that he would do anything for... (full context)
Chapter 14
The Here and Now Theme Icon
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Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
...because she is already engaged; Charisse responds that she could always use extra help with Gomez. (full context)
Self-Love Theme Icon
...Present-day Henry is also ready for the ceremony. He waits in a different room with Gomez, who smoking and pacing. Henry checks to make sure he has the rings, and Gomez... (full context)
Self-Love Theme Icon
...Clare is waiting with Philip, who knocks on the door where Henry is getting ready. Gomez comes out and asks them to wait just a little longer. When Henry emerges, he’s... (full context)
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
Self-Love Theme Icon the reception hall while Clare is away in another room with Lucille. Ben and Gomez join him. Henry asks Gomez to go back to the church to retrieve the younger... (full context)
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
Self-Love Theme Icon
(7:04 p.m.). Dinner is starting, but Clare doesn’t know where Henry is. Gomez tells her that he will be there any moment, and Kimy adds that she saw... (full context)
Love and Absence Theme Icon
(7:21 p.m.). After dinner, Gomez gives a toast. His speech is an elaborate metaphor about how Henry and Clare are... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
...eaten cake, and Clare threw her bouquet, which Charisse caught. Henry dances with Helen until Gomez cuts in. Henry goes to the bar, where he watches Clare dance with Celia Attley.... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon
...Clare go to the courthouse to get married officially since present Henry missed the ceremony. Gomez and Charisse come along as witnesses. After, the four friends go out to dinner. Gomez... (full context)
Chapter 15
Love and Absence Theme Icon
Sunday, August 28, 1994 (Clare is 23, Henry is 31). Henry, Gomez, and Clare spend a summer day on the beach. They swim, play in the sand,... (full context)
Love and Absence Theme Icon
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
Self-Love Theme Icon
...1995 (Clare is 23, Henry is 31, and 39). Clare and Henry have Charisse and Gomez over for a game night. They play a communist-themed remake of Monopoly that Charisse and... (full context)
Chapter 18
Love and Absence Theme Icon
...Soon, she has menstrual cramps and finds her underwear stained red with blood. Charisse and Gomez arrive to take her to the hospital, and she leaves a note on the table... (full context)
Chapter 22
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
...March 13, 1999 (Henry is 35, Clare 27). Clare and Henry go to Charisse and Gomez’s house to meet their newborn third child, Rosa. Their other kids, Max and Joe, play... (full context)
Chapter 23
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
Self-Love Theme Icon
...obsession with having a baby is not something she will give up. Seeing the specialist Gomez recommended, Amit Montague, has only increased Clare’s determination. (full context)
Chapter 29
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon
Language and Art Theme Icon
...she wakes up, she tells him it’s time to go to the hospital. They call Gomez and Charisse, who have agreed to drive them to the hospital. Henry tries to distract... (full context)
Chapter 34
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Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon something she hasn’t told Henry and hasn’t planned to: she once had sex with Gomez while she was in college. Henry asks Clare why her expression is so thoughtful, and... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon
...reaction, he is mostly amused by the news. Clare tells him that her experience with Gomez only made her more thankful for Henry. Clare is relieved. When she and Henry have... (full context)
Love and Absence Theme Icon
...1990 (Clare is 18) (6:43 a.m.). In a flashback to college, Clare wakes up in Gomez’s bed. She is immediately anxious about how both Henry and Charisse will react when they... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon
...Clare is 33). Henry and Charisse are attending an opera together because neither Clare nor Gomez enjoy Wagner. When Henry picks Charisse up, Gomez teases him not to stay out too... (full context)
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
Charisse says Clare is a prime example of Gomez’s patience. Henry asks what she means, though part of him already knows; Charisse responds that... (full context)
Chapter 36
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
...gray. Clare and Alba wake up, and the family heads to the zoo to meet Gomez, Charisse, and their children. After, Henry and Clare leave Alba with a sitter and dress... (full context)
Chapter 39
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Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon
...frostbitten feet at the ankle. He is sleeping in his room now as Clare and Gomez sit on either side of his bed. Clare holds Henry’s hands; she can feel his... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
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Language and Art Theme Icon
A week later, in the evening. Clare enlists Gomez to carry Henry out to the studio. Once Henry is inside, Gomez returns to the... (full context)
Chapter 43
Language and Art Theme Icon
(8:20 p.m.). Gomez and Charisse arrive next. Gomez makes a joke about Henry forgetting to shovel the walkway... (full context)
Free Will vs. Determinism Theme Icon, so he ventures out to porch to cool off. On his way, he asks Gomez to join him outside. Once they are both in the yard alone, Henry thanks Gomez... (full context)
Chapter 44
The Here and Now Theme Icon
...his body and trickles from his mouth. She can still hear firecrackers popping loudly outside. Gomez tells them they must call the police. (full context)
Chapter 46
The Here and Now Theme Icon
Love and Absence Theme Icon
...has been with Charisse and the other kids skating all day, so Clare goes to Gomez and Charisse’s to retrieve her. When she arrives, Gomez tells her they haven’t come home... (full context)
The Here and Now Theme Icon
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Gomez tells Clare that she should consider inviting someone new into her life so she can... (full context)