

Yevgeny Zamyatin

We: Record 25 Summary & Analysis

D-503 recounts the Day of the One Vote: he and the other ciphers sing the Hymn together before voting. He’s forgotten about I-330’s cryptic remarks yesterday. The Benefactor emerges out of the clear, blue sky and the ciphers look upon him in admiration. A poet reads an ode. D-503 spots S in the crowd and thinks about the “thread” that seems to connect S and I-330. D-503 suddenly sees S converge with I-330 and R-13. He feels viscerally jealous, but remains still and silent.
The Benefactor emerges out of the blue sky, making him a clear symbol of reason and clarity. When D-503 observes a “thread” that connects I-330 and S-4711, it shows that he’s starting to catch on to that they are both involved anti-government activity. D-503’s jealousy toward R-13 reflects his growing irrationality. He tries to repress his jealousy by refusing to act on it.
The election process begins. Over the loudspeaker, a voice asks those in favor of the Benefactor to raise their hands. D-503 and millions of others do so enthusiastically. The voice then asks who opposes the Benefactor. Normally, nobody raises their hands, but today, thousands do—including I-330. Suddenly, the scene turns chaotic: screams break out, and Guardians rush in.
This year, the Day of the One Vote isn’t unanimous, which shows that repressed dissatisfaction with the government isn’t as rare as D-503 previously believed (or wanted to believe) it is.
D-503 sees O-90 on a projection screen, here hands placed protectively across her stomach. Suddenly, D-503 sees R-13 holding I-330 in his arms. Her unif is ripped and she is covered in blood. D-503 runs to them and demands that R-13 let her go. D-503 hits R-13 in the head, which makes him feel light and satisfied. I-330 moves from R-13 and screams at him to go away. D-503 feels immense relief.
The satisfaction D-503 derives from hitting R-13 shows that he is more prone to act on irrational desires.
D-503’s log resumes that evening, at 22:00, as he reflects on that morning’s events. He wonders whether the all-powerful One State is beginning to dissolve. He shifts his narrative to his interaction with I-330 after R-13 left them alone: sitting on a bench, bleeding, I-330 tells D-503 that tomorrow is always a mystery—that the future is always unpredictable. I-330 looks straight at D-503, and he zones out the chaos and screaming that unfolds below them. Her gaze reminds him of the wild person he saw on the other side of the Green Wall. 
When D-503 zones out the chaos around him to focus on I-330, it shows that he is now willing to dismiss the welfare of the collective in favor of the welfare of individuals. He is also more willing to act on his desires. D-503’s comparison of I-330 to the wild person on the other side of the Green Wall signifies that he is beginning to realize that she may be involved with the rebels.
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I-330 tells D-503 she will take him back beyond the wall tomorrow if “nothing in particular” happens. D-503 doesn’t understand what she’s referring to, but agrees nonetheless. He fears for tomorrow and its unpredictability.
In accepting I-330’s cryptic invitation, D-503 shows that he is more comfortable acknowledging the unknown. Still, his simultaneous fear of tomorrow suggests that he is not entirely ready to welcome unpredictability and irrationality into his life.