Born a Crime


Trevor Noah

Trevor’s Grandfather / Temperance Noah Character Analysis

Trevor’s bipolar, eccentric grandfather, who loves chatting up Soweto’s women (even though he is remarried after divorcing Frances). When Patricia tries to move out of her mother’s house and live with him, he sends her to the homelands instead, where she has to work on the family farm and often go without food for days.
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Trevor’s Grandfather / Temperance Noah Character Timeline in Born a Crime

The timeline below shows where the character Trevor’s Grandfather / Temperance Noah appears in Born a Crime. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
Love and Personal Growth Theme Icon
...important male figure in his early life is his grandfather, the ironically named and happily-divorced Temperance Noah, who is gregarious and extremely popular among Soweto’s women. He is bipolar, but the... (full context)
Chapter 4
Racism, Apartheid, and the Cycle of Poverty Theme Icon
Identity, Belonging, and Community Theme Icon afraid that he will bruise and turn “blue and green and yellow and red.” Trevor’s grandfather sees him as white, too, even calling him “Mastah” and acting like his chauffeur. Even... (full context)
Chapter 5
Racism, Apartheid, and the Cycle of Poverty Theme Icon
Identity, Belonging, and Community Theme Icon
...“the problem child” and fights constantly with her mother (Frances) but loves accompanying her father (Temperance) “on his manic misadventures.” She tries to move in with Temperance at the age of... (full context)