Girl, Woman, Other


Bernardine Evaristo

Jordan Jones Character Analysis

Jordan is LaTisha’s 10-year-old son. The youngest child, Jordan takes after his father, Trey, and is already a troublemaker. When LaTisha’s estranged father, Glenmore, shows back up in their lives, Jordan takes to him immediately, and, for his sake, LaTisha lets her father back into her life. Jordan’s story is a lesson in generational trauma. Without a father figure, Jordan acts out just as LaTisha did when her father disappeared. Thus, LaTisha’s decision to forgive Glenmore represents her desire to break that cycle of generational trauma that left her vulnerable.
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Jordan Jones Character Timeline in Girl, Woman, Other

The timeline below shows where the character Jordan Jones appears in Girl, Woman, Other. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: LaTisha
Love, Sexuality, and Race  Theme Icon
Contradiction, Complexity, and Intersectionality  Theme Icon
LaTisha gets pregnant with her third child, Jordan, with Trey. LaTisha remembers that she wanted him when he came to the party she... (full context)
Diaspora, Culture, and Identity Theme Icon
Love, Sexuality, and Race  Theme Icon
Contradiction, Complexity, and Intersectionality  Theme Icon
...She waits for him to call her, but he never does. Instead, nine months later, Jordan arrives. She’s not even yet 21. LaTisha blames herself for being so stupid. Her mom... (full context)